Chapter 50

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After dinner, the thunderstorms had stopped, and the air was filled with a fresh fragrance of vegetation.

    Qin You followed Se learned how to pile up low walls around the soil and vegetable plots on the roof, at least as high as the surrounding walls, so that these vegetables and other plants can grow well.

    Lille prepared mince pancakes as a supper below. The night was getting thicker, and the torches in the surrounding area looked brighter.

    Divide the land on the top floor half and half, enclose a wall on one side, and bury the soil in it later.

    Qin You's top floor is relatively small, and it's okay to build it up, but the Se family's house is a bit big, and it took a long time to build it up.

    "Are you tired?" Se moved some rocks up again, doing a lot of hard work, and sweating on his forehead.

.Qin You shook his head, took the big stone in his hand, and placed it on the low wall that had just been piled up. This amount of labor is not a big deal. After he eats and drinks well, he has to practice his body and go out for a swing. It would be even better to hunt some animals.

    He has seen a lot of animals in this world, many strange creatures. When he first came to this world, he was a little panicked and nervous. Now that he has survived well, he doesn’t need to worry about the cost of eating and drinking. , The curiosity about this other world also fermented.

    Qin You wondered to himself how to exercise his body, while piling up a low wall that had gradually grown taller.

    When they finished building the low wall, it was almost late at night, a long time later than when they fell asleep before, but Qin You and Se still bite the bullet and finished tossing the top of the building, just because the mud hadn't filled it yet.

.Qin You shook his arms to relax, his arms and waist were very sore, and there were a lot of stains on his hands. He went downstairs to wash his hands, then grabbed some warm meatloaf on the table and gnawed it dry. After so much work, I am really a little hungry.

    The meat in this meatloaf is not small. Lille should have stuffed a lot of beast meat for the taste of the sir, but the taste of the beast meat is also very delicious. There was a faint scent of chives, unexpectedly Se also seemed very satisfied with this meatloaf, and ate most of it all at once.

    Lille had already gone back to the room to sleep. Apart from the sound of chewing and swallowing, Qin You suddenly felt a cordial and happy mood. This frog called as if he was still on the earth. identical.

.After nibbling on the dough, Qin Youshun took a few small fruits while going upstairs while gnawing. Hearing the almost synchronized footsteps coming from behind, he turned around and looked at Se, whose face was half hidden in the darkness. "Why follow me?"

    "Sleep together." Sedongdongdong took a few steps up again, his footsteps still loud and scary.

    Qin You stood still entangled for a while, and continued to walk up without answering, but he felt more clear in his heart.

    Qin You was a little embarrassed when he took a shower. Although it was common for a few boys to take a bath together in the bathroom in the college dormitory before, those skinny and malnourished weak chickens can stand like this one now. In front of me, he is tall, well-proportioned muscles, tall and long legs, and there are people with honey-colored skin. And it's still based on a certain goodwill.

....Qin You looked at the skin that had shamelessly taken off the only piece of animal skin left on his body, um, actually it's not a big deal, I have everything he has... um... the weather is really a bit too hot. .

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