Chapter 54

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    Give away the last bottle of yellow peach dew that I took out. The sky is already dark. Some of the Kaka beasts who have been tossed for an afternoon have been stunned, but some are still running around, so they almost got the rope. Toss broke.

    Qin You looked at the wildest Kakabeasts, and felt that it would be better to pick a few gentle characters for training.

    Lille was planting the collected seedlings upstairs. The seedlings downstairs are growing well, and the vines have begun to bloom smoothly. Qin You guessed that some of them might contain cucumbers.

    Sighing, Qin You began to prepare dinner. Of course, the dried squid that was fully soaked and washed for a long time during the day must not be forgotten. Qin You cut the squid into shreds for later use, and then cut some small pieces of animal meat, planning to make a braised squid shreds .

.Heat the oil pan, then pour the animal meat into the pan and stir-fry, pour in the soy sauce and salt and stir-fry until it is fragrant, and stir-fry well. Pour in cold water, simmer for a while, finally put in the shredded squid, stir-fry and collect the juice.

    Qin You brought a plate of braised shredded squid to the wooden pier, and was about to go down and get some dried tofu to make a shredded dried tofu. He saw that Se was back carrying some beasts, and he was still carrying a dirty one. With some bloody smell.

    "Are you still training wings recently?" Qin You asked him curiously when he helped him drag the beast meat to the river, watching him look embarrassed.

    "Yeah." Se nodded and began to clean the beast meat. "Grow up a bit."

    "Is it really going to grow up?" Qin You muttered, thinking about Se's little wings, "In fact, the little ones are more cute..."

    "Huh?" Se stopped her hand and squinted at him.

    "Uh...I'm going to cook rice.".Qin You pointed to the room with a smile, then got up and walked away.

    Putting on an animal skin cloak, he went down and took some yellow peach dew and dried bean curd. Qin You quickly fried shredded pork and fried bean curd, and then began to help Se barbecue, before both Lille and Se came over. Quickly prepared dinner and a plate of after-dinner fruit-candied tomatoes.

    Qin You put the candied tomatoes in a basket hanging in the ice cellar, put the rope down on the ice for a while, and took it out after a good meal. It is estimated that the taste of ice and ice will become more delicious.

    When Lille came down, Qin You and Se had already started to eat. Qin You looked at the muddy Lille, "Why did you make it for so long?"

    "Well, Ma Qi gave me a handful of seedlings. They said they were too many. I put them on the cart and pushed them back. I don't know what they planted. Anyway, I have all the seedlings.".Lille washed his hands, twisted his neck and arms, sighed and sat down, picked up his chopsticks and started eating wildly, "I'm starving to death..."

    March is a sub-orc of the Dora tribe. He is about the same age as Lille and has a very good relationship. Qin You always heard March's name from Lille's mouth.

    Qin You put a chopsticks on the braised squid shreds. The chewy texture is matched with the rich sauce flavor. The diced meat is also burnt and soft, and the meat is delicate and fatty but not greasy. The most important thing is that Qin You especially likes it. The savory seafood flavor of shredded squid.

    Stir-fried tofu with shredded pork was a dish that Qin You thought was very homely in the past, but Qin You hasn’t eaten it for a long time, and it’s delicious even after eating it once in a while. There are not many dishes, but Qin You and Lier Rice I ate a lot. After eating a small pot of rice and vegetables, I even had some appetite and divided a few pieces of roasted meat.

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