Chapter 49

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After lunch, Qin You and Lille sat and rested for a while, then watched the two orcs resume their work.

    Lille was probably a little sleepy, his eyelids were fighting, and after a while, he greeted Qin You and went back to the room to take a nap.

    Qin You stayed bored alone, got up and walked to the entrance of the ice cellar and took a look. The entrance of this cave was a little bit invisible. The magic nucleus scattered in the mud exudes a faint light, and can barely see some movement. , I can still hear the sound of the hole faintly in my ears.

    The entrance of the cave is not small, and Qin You looked at the black entrance of the cave with some worry, and wanted to go in and take a look. As the entrance of the cave went all the way down, the cork ladder hanging on one side became longer and longer. But there was a faint feeling in my heart that I wanted to go in.

    "Is the wood and rope still enough?" Qin You shouted toward the entrance of the cave.

."Get ready!" Too's voice.

    Hearing this, Qin You looked at it reluctantly, got up and walked into the house. The rope used to tie the cork ladder is actually made of a unique animal skin. This animal skin has good toughness and will not be easy. fracture.

    Qin You flipped through the messy piles, rolled up a few pieces of soft animal skins, then sat down on a wooden pier, spread the animal skins flat on the ground, separated them into strips with a shell knife, and then began to rub them. When rubbing it, you have to dip it with a sap of pounded weeds, and the skins will be easily rubbed together.

    Qin You stuck his hands full of viscous liquid and rubbed it vigorously. Putting aside the rubbed rope was easy to dry. After drying, he tied the two ropes together to make a long one.

    After rubbing a few pieces of animal skins, Qin You walked downstairs with two rolls of rope, and then had to chop some wooden strips.

.In order to save effort, Qin You deliberately took an axe inlaid with a magic core. He had a sore hands and a sore back after rubbing the rope, and a little lazy.

    Wielding an axe to pick a tree that is not too strong, Qin You chopped down the branches to a suitable length and piled them aside. He cut down several trees in succession. His head was already dumbfounded by the scorching weather, and he wiped it away. Qin You tied the beads of sweat on his face with a rope that had just been woven, and carried them on his back and walked home.

    He lifted his foot across the fence, and then looked at the entrance of the hole with the wooden slats on his back. In the end, because of curiosity and little excitement in his heart, Qin You climbed down with the wooden slats on his back.

    The surrounding soil is getting wet, and the air seems to be moist, and there is also a strong smell of soil.

    The cork ladder was a little wobbly when he climbed up, and Qin You would rub the dirt in the cave from time to time.

.Climbing tremblingly to the last section of the wooden stick, Qin You jumped off, his feet sinking slightly in the soft soil.

    He raised his eyes and looked at the hole above, it was quite big, and there was not only a small circle left.

    Qin You lowered his head and looked forward, only to realize that this place was already considered high ground. The three orcs were still digging down not far away, and it was estimated that all the dirt that was dug out was piled up here.

    Carrying a wooden stick, he walked forward a few steps, "Se, I'm here to fuck!" Qin You slipped on his feet, and sat down in the mud with an swear word.

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