Chapter 44

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After handling the rice cakes, Qin You walked back and forth a few times to fill up the same water tank, thinking that when Luo's cart was finished, he would lie down in the city of Loroka to prepare things.

    You still need some jars and some tableware. It's not impossible to continue to use wood. It's just that the homemade tableware always looks rough, and Qin You doesn't have the thoughts, so it is more convenient to buy some pottery. He also wants to continue pickling or preserving something.

    In addition, Qin You wanted to eat some new food. Last time, there was nothing to eat in Loroka City. Qin You has been thinking about it since last time.

    Se came back in the evening, but apart from himself, there was a tall orc behind him, his hair color and body shape were a bit familiar.

    "Bach?" Qin You was a little surprised. How did he meet Se?

.Hearing this, Bach nodded coolly in response, and then stood aside without putting a single fart. Se on the other side looked a little embarrassed, with a lot of scratches and mud stains on her body.

    "What did you do?" Lille also heard the sound and walked out, frowning at the large and small wounds on Se's body.

    "Nothing." Se turned his head and walked over to the wooden pier to sit down, picking up the barbecue on the campfire and turning it over.

    "We're going to practice flying." Bach's cold voice came over, with a sharp glance.

    Lille was staring at this unconscious brother with a little dissatisfaction. He suddenly heard Bach's voice in surprise, but he turned his head and nodded with a smile when he heard the words. Immediately looking at the awkward Se was a little funny, didn't he just practice his little wings, and even cover up.

."Sit with Se first, I'll help you barbecue." Lille finished his stomach defamation, beckoning Bach to sit down.

    "No." Bach waved his hand, "These." Pointing to the beast lying on the ground, and the brown animal he was holding in his hand, docilely bowed his head and ate the weeds on the ground.

    "What animal is this?" Qin You saw the animal and walked over excitedly. Could it be that his cart is motivated?

    "Kaka beast, very strong and docile." Se raised his head and explained to Qin You that this was what he could barely catch alive with his strength.

    "Yeah." Qin You nodded in satisfaction, and while taking over the rope tied to Kakamon in Bach's hand, he touched Kakamon's particularly sensual neck. Kakamon whimpered comfortably, and some of them got close to Qin You.

    "But is this Kaka beast strong?".Qin You looked at the Kaka Beast, although the height was similar, but he still doubted its power.

    "Well, it's huge." Se said after an estimate.

    Qin You nodded comfortably when he heard the words, and then happily led the Kakamon to the pillar on one side, touched its head to let him eat grass, and poured some water on it and set it aside.

    "So we can go to town after Luo makes the cart?" Lille asked with some joy, too.

    "Probably, but I guess I need to train." Qin You nodded.

    The two teased the Kakamon for a while and then returned to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Dinner is spicy fried rice cakes and a bowl of vegetable soup.

.The texture of the rice cake is not bad, the soft and chewy, because two small tomatoes are added, the sweet and sour tomato and the spicy flavor of the hot sauce have a subtle fusion, and the fresh diced meat is also very tasty. It's delicious together. Qin You thinks it's delicious. After eating two bowls in a row, it's probably because Qin You hasn't eaten rice cakes for a long time.

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