Chapter 41

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Early the next morning, Se was no longer visible, and she probably went hunting outside. Recently, the orcs in the tribe have mostly hunted for a long time. In the afternoon, they spent time in the city of Loroka to learn about or buy some furniture at home.

    Qin You and Lille also had a lot of things to do today. After preparing the noon food early in the morning, they packed up their tools and called Shangxi to go.

    Qin You walked on the road, reluctantly carrying heavy tools, all of which were placed in a bamboo basket that was modified by Qin You to hold seafood. After drying for a few days, the fishy smell was removed.

    The journey is so long! Qin You's laziness has relapsed, looking at the doorway where the shadow can actually be seen at a glance, and striding hard.

    So how did he insist on delivering food to Lille the other day?

.As Qin You walked and pondered, he thought about the big wooden planks that Tuo and Lu's tribe dragged over when they built the house last time. Of course, the focus is not on the wooden planks, but the wheels underneath.

    It would be great if it was made like a carriage. The large wooden board at the back can hold a lot of things and people can sit on it. Then surround it with a wooden fence. If it rains, it's best to install a roof.

    But the question is what kind of animal is used to pull it?

    Qin You thought seriously alone, but his steps were getting slower and slower, and gradually he was separated from Lille and Xi by a certain distance.

    "You, why are you in a daze?" Lille stopped and looked back at Qin You who was moving slowly.

    You can also make a wheelchair! Qin You looked at Lille, who was carrying a cane, but he couldn't do it in a wheelchair...

    "Hey!" Looking at Qin You who was still in a daze, Xi shouted.

    "coming.".Qin You replied, thinking that his head is big, ask Luo when he returns to the tribe.

    Looking at the surrounding lush scenery and the unusually hot weather, Qin You felt that it was probably already summer. I have to prepare clothes tonight. Although there is only a piece of animal skin around the whole body, the thick animal skin is also very sultry.

    There are many insect repellent plants along the side. When the time comes, you can grab a few of them. In addition to milling them into juice, they can also be dried and put a large handful in the window or doorway, so that many small insects smell. The smell will not fly in easily.

    The main task of collecting today is to collect some essential daily necessities, such as brushing grass and some essential seasonings.

."I went to the Dora tribe a few days ago. They planted some small seedlings, and they had to plant them in the evening. Moreover, their tribe has so many delicious foods. I have never found those things so good before. Eat." West walked in the front, grunting while pulling the obstructing bushes.

    "Take it, this is garlic, one by one, one by one, one by one, and one by one. I ate it the last time I ate seafood. I said it can get rid of the fishy." Xi handed over a few rounds. Of garlic.

    "Yeah." Qin You nodded, threw the garlic cloves into the back basket, and squatted down to dig.

    In addition to garlic, Qin You also picked some old ginger, green onions, and soy sauce. The green onions are uprooted. These seasonings are very convenient for planting. When garlic cloves, ginger and green onion roots are buried in the soil, it is easy to grow new seedlings. .

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