Chapter 12

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After the beast attack was over, it was windy and snowy for several days. Qin Youwo basically didn't go out much at home. He occasionally went to the west house or went west to his own house. In short, he had already entered the window without seeing things outside the window. realm.

    I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but Sinar’s mouth, Balabara said a lot. I heard that many beasts have been frozen to death in this cold weather, and occasionally a few extremely hungry beasts would break into the tribe. Here, it's just not serving as food for the tribesmen.

    Qin You got up early in the morning and cooked himself the late soft and waxy white porridge. He chopped the meat and sprinkled it into the soft and waxy white porridge, re-cooked the meat to make it softer, and then marinated the pickled vegetables that had been marinated for nearly 30 days. Take it out, wash and chop, and place it on the washed soft leaves.

.The delicate white porridge is mixed with chewy meat, and the pickles are crispy and refreshing. The pickles have a different taste. The salty and sour food is very salty and sour. Qin You will drink it. I ordered three bowls and stopped chopsticks until I couldn't eat anymore.

    Feeling a little swelling and warm belly, and sweating all over, Qin You rubbed his belly and decided to get up and walk to the West House to digest.

    When he arrived at Xi's house, Xi had just finished breakfast and was sorting the dishes and chopsticks at their big stone table.

    When Qin You went in, he greeted Xi's father and father, and helped Xi tidy up the bowls and chopsticks. Xi's father is also the patriarch, and he is still very friendly to Qin You. After all, Qin You's former father is one of the few warriors in this tribe.

    After Hexi washed the dishes and chopsticks, Xi dragged Qin You into his "little boudoir". .After washing the dishes for a long time, Qin You's stomach feels much better, rubbing his stomach and sitting on the bed to cover the quilt while chattering.

    When Qin You and Xi chatted, they felt a little bored. Qin You listened to the gale hula hula hula outside the window.

    "This winter is coming soon. When the snow is over, the weather will get warmer, and we will start migrating. Alas, I still don't want to leave here." Xi supported his cheeks, "but like us. There are very few small tribes that still live in such places. We still have to live in safer places."

    Qin You nodded.

    "But this migration is estimated to be very tiring. First of all, we have to bring enough magic cores to exchange money, so that our people can have land for resettlement, but I am afraid that not all people have the ability.".For the first time, Xi showed such a sad expression, "But the orcs handed over a lot of magic cores, but I don't know if it will be enough."

    Qin You also sighed a little. He didn't expect that there were so many troubles to deal with in the migration.

    "...Actually, we don't need to go to Loroka City. We can build our own small tribe around Loroka City." Qin You suggested.

    Xi shook his head, "Our tribe has almost no more ability to resist beast attacks. Living in Loroka City will bring us a lot of safety. There is a team of warriors in Loroka City that is dedicated to guarding Loroka. From the city, I heard that those orcs can make a lot of money. I really envy them."

    Qin You nodded and looked forward to it, money, what a wonderful thing.

    "But Daddy said Loroka City is very big. If we live close to the city, the land will not be too expensive.".Xi smiled and said, "Okay, don't think about it, we are still a long, long distance away from Loroka City. We can hunt more beasts on the road to get the magic core. By the way, your pickles are ready. Do you? I really want to eat it~" Xi quickly recovered her greedy look again.

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