Chapter 27

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Qin You put the wrapped fried dried tofu on the table. Having wiped out the cold cucumber, Xi smelled it and got up and walked to the table, and looked at it curiously, "Especially, why don't you eat this freshly made one, it's the best when it's warmed up!"

    Hearing that Qin You looked down at the package of fried dried tofu that was still steaming, and then suddenly remembered that he had worked so hard to fry for so long, and he still didn't eat a piece of it! Qin You nodded, "Yes, it's better to eat while it is hot."

    "Yeah, yeah!" Xiamxi nodded vigorously when he was approved, and then eagerly opened the deep-fried dried tofu tied with hay. He smelled the scent when you were fried, and he was very greedy for a long time. .

    Qin You looked a little amused as Xi couldn't wait. .Then I looked at the two orcs who were still sitting on the bed earnestly rubbing rice grains. They had already peeled off two animal skin bags, but these animal skin bags were not very big. It's difficult. The animal skin bags made up of several animal skins are easy to break. Therefore, when the sub-orcs make animal skin bags, most of them use complete animal skin bags, but the sewn animal skin bags are not very large.

    "Do you want to eat fried dried tofu?" Qin You just asked casually, but he didn't expect that the two orcs would come over.

.They also ate a lot of unceremoniously. Qin You was a little surprised that they would eat these vegetarian foods, but the freshly fried fried dried tofu is really delicious. The crispy outer skin is still soft and tender tofu inside. Sprinkle some salt, and it won't have a flavor if it doesn't stick to the sauce. Qin You feels a little proud. It may be that he has cooked more, and now he is cooking much more smoothly than before.

    Seheya obviously prefers hot sauce, but this time the hot sauce Qinyou also put some powdered sugar, which is much less spicy than the last time.

    The spicy, salty and salty suddenly enriched the taste of the originally light fried dried tofu. The taste is very strong, not very spicy, and it just suits your taste. Qin You thought, this is also a seasoning in the dish. good.

.Ketchup is also in line with Qin You’s taste. Qin You used to be a typical southerner who likes to eat sweet. As long as it is braised in brown sauce, there is nothing without sugar. Ketchup is sweet. The sweet and sour, and the greasy of the fried tofu is slightly neutralized, and the mouth is much refreshed.

    Probably because of the joining of the two orcs, maybe it was also because there were not many dried tofu at all. A few people ate and chatted, and a package of fried dried tofu actually ate almost the same.

    There are not many deep-fried dried tofu, but it is still not enough for five people. It is not enough. "It's delicious."

    Qin You nodded silently, in fact, he is also very greedy.

    But there was no way, Qin You cleared the table and started to do nothing. Seheya quickly solved the shortage of rice crackers, tightening the animal skin bag containing the rice crackers, and put them aside.
."Okay, work is almost done, then let's go!" Ya stretched out and said.

    "Yeah." Qin You and Lier responded, and Xi responded with a snort from his nose.

    Ya glanced at Xi, who was still cold, and walked out helplessly, glanced at Qin You, but still closed his mouth and walked out without saying anything.

    As soon as the two orcs left, Lille said with a bit of dissatisfaction: "Ser, this boring gourd, can't hold back a word for a long time. His expression looks like someone owes him a debt. Look at Ya, how polite, nice and nice. enthusiasm."

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