Chapter 64

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The food on the wooden table around the round table, apart from the shrimp and crab that Qin You is familiar with, there are also many seafood without shells. The white and tender seafood meat is tender and fragrant. Because there is no shell, it tastes like a piece of meat. effortlessly.

Bite into the mouth, the mouth is full of fresh fragrance, and the juice overflows. There are also some seafoods that are slightly spicy and have a heavier taste, but they are also very strong. The slightly spicy taste brings a different taste to the seafood.

    In addition to seafood, there are also vegetables and animals that have never been seen before, and the unexpected taste is still delicious. The sub-orcs were happily discussing about the addition of a few more foods in the future.

    The people in the tribe were eating happily around the Shiji table, and the atmosphere of Shiji seemed to have reached a climax.

.The bonfire around Yuandi was extinguished, born and extinguished, and the surrounding food was wiped out. There is also a special rule for Shiji, which is to eat up all the food and not waste it. Especially the food prepared by yourself, if it is not finished in the end, the person who prepared the dish will have to finish it.

    Fortunately, Qin You’s seafood was eaten up. However, because other people had eaten a lot of the dishes prepared by others, he was still eating. Qin You hiccuped into the house while feeling his stomach. Pushing Lille's car on one side, "Walk more."

    "Uh... um..." Qin You burped again.

    "You eat too much." Lille looked at Qin You a little bit funny, and watched him eating happily all night.

    "Well, I feel that their cooking skills have become much better. And I haven't eaten these.".The first time I came to this bonfire banquet in another world before, Cai Qinyou at that time is still fresh in his memory.

    "They have been enthusiastic about running to the inner city recently, especially with the Kakamon. Going to eat and buy things in the inner city all day long."

    Qin You nodded when he heard the words. It turned out to be so, but when it comes to the inner city, he didn't set up a stall today...

    The three people walked around the tribe slowly for a long time, and when Qin You was almost digested, the three people slowly returned to the house.

    Qin You helped Lear fall asleep and returned to his house.

    Se is sorting out his magic core, laying a lot of piles on the ground. After washing, Qin You sat down on his side and took a few magic cores to play with.

    "Are there more green ones?" Qin You counted the colorful magic cores.

    "Yeah." Se nodded. Continue to concentrate on tidying up.

.Qin You saw that he was justified, and felt bored, putting down the magic core in his hand, and one turned over and lay down on the bed to go to sleep.

    Not long after closing his eyes, Qin You heard Se put all the magic cores into the animal skin bag. Then came a burst of familiar taste. Sanity was already a little confused and was about to fall asleep.

    A warm sensation gently licked Qin You's neck, Qin You stretched out his hand and pushed a few times without pushing, and let him go when he was helpless and tired.

    When I was in a daze, I felt that the position of the warm, numb and itchy sensation seemed to be a bit wrong, when it was too late.


    The first fierce battle last night, and the result was that Qin You had a fever...

    But Qin You, who was dedicated (loving money), left the stall to Xi. In short, you can't help but put it right. What's more, I was absent from work yesterday.

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