Chapter 32

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The next day, the tribe resumed its migration, and the patriarch expected to reach Loroka City in the evening.

    Due to the large number of tribes and their different speeds, they will not have the same speed as the three of the patriarchs, but it will be later.

    However, the speed of migration has been accelerated as much as possible, and even the rest time has been shortened a lot.

    In a hurry, the whole tribe moved forward quickly with excitement and anticipation.

    At sunset, the tribe can already faintly see the shadow of Loroka City, with a thick and high stone wall with bright torches inserted in it, and tall buildings similar to a watchtower, I think so There are still some orcs defending the city of Loroka.

    Although the sky has become a little gloomy, because the city of Loroka can already be seen, the tribe will speed up and try to arrive when the sky is completely dark.

.The air at night is already a bit cold, and the city of Loroka is not as hot as the seaside. It is said that the temperature difference between day and night is great. It is very hot during the day but the temperature at night is a bit low.

    When Qin You's nose and cheeks were flushed red by the cold wind, the brightness in front finally gradually approached.

    Arrived in the city of Loroka.

    I had been migrating non-stop for a whole day, and I was exhausted. I was blown by the cold wind, as if my mind was turning slowly.

    Rubbing his cold cheeks, sitting on Se's back, following Se's slow pace, began to slowly walk into the city of Loroka.

    There are no traces of tribes living in the outer city. Compared with the outer city, which is located in the outermost circle of Loroka City, the safety factor is very low. Most of the tribes still live more inside.

    There are still some trees around, sparse and sparse. If you go further inside, the trees are denser, like a forest.

.I walked through a wide road that was specially paved, and then slowly saw some small houses, some were built of stone, some were built of wood, but they were all neatly built, and small tribes lived here, row upon row. .

    The patriarch led the small tribe into it for a while, then turned westward and walked to a large clearing. There are no tribes around, and I can only see some light not far away, probably those tribes that are closest.

    "It's here. There are magic cores inlaid on all four sides, which delimit our land. Although it is not very large, it can guarantee that every family will have land. As for tonight, we will station for one night first, and we will start to build tomorrow. House!" The patriarch said highly standing on a high ground.

.Hearing that, the people in the tribe began to look around, looking at the land, there are indeed four magic cores that glowed green in the distance, and the estimated range is about the same size as their previous tribe.

    The magic cores inlaid on the four corners not only delineate the tribal land, but the level of the magic cores also represents the capabilities of the tribe.

    With excitement, the people in the tribe were discussing each other in detail, until the bugs in the grass on one side stopped screaming and then slowly fell asleep.


    Early the next morning, perhaps because of the new environment that was completely unfamiliar, most of the people in the tribe got up very early.

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