Chapter 28

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Except for making some tomato sauce. Hot sauce, Qin You also wants to make some meat sauce that can be used for bibimbap. When the time comes, I am lazy and don't want to cook, so I can just mix it with rice.

    While thinking about it, Xihe Liel walked in carrying a few bundles of tied beast meat, Xihe carried a few packs already wrapped in soft leaves, and Liel carried some which was probably prepared for dinner. Meat.

    "Lille, give me a piece of meat, I will make a piece of meat." Qin You said.

    "What is the meat mud for?" Lille was a little confused, but he passed the meat in his hand to Qin You.

    "I wonder if it will be delicious to mix a rice with meat sauce in the future, and it will be very convenient." Qin You took the meat.

    "Well, this is great, I think it's tiring to cook every time.".Xi also walked into the stone house, put the beast meat in his hand aside, and then continued: "Then I will help you, Lille, you go and rest for a while. It's very tired to stand still."

    "Yeah." Probably really tired, Lille smiled slightly and sat on the bed a little tired.

    The western animal meat was cut into minced meat, and the onion was cut into small particles. Qin You looked at the pot, then poured the minced meat in and fry until slightly discolored, then added some soy sauce, put the onion in, and stir fry After a few times, I added an appropriate amount of water, then poured the ketchup into a bit of seasoning, covered the pot and simmered for a while, opened the lid again, and looked almost cooked, Qin Youjia increased the firewood and waited for the harvest. juice.

.Qin You dug a spoonful of freshly fried meat sauce and put it in his mouth. It was a bit salty, but it was originally used to serve rice. The ketchup and soy sauce blend well, the flavor is rich, and the soft boiled minced meat is still mixed. With some crunchy onions, it tastes unique.

    Xihe Lier also dug a spoonful, "Um...It's delicious~" Xi chewed and nodded.

    "Yeah." Qin You nodded, and then stored the meat sauce aside.

    Almost an afternoon passed quietly. For dinner, the three of them mixed rice with meat sauce made by Qin You, but this meat sauce really survived the meal, and it also reduced a lot of work. After dinner, the three of them made it. Go to bed early to welcome tomorrow's migration.


.The next day, at the gate of the Bear tribe, everyone from the small tribe and some people from the bear tribe had gathered to see off. The hula-la circle of people actually blocked the huge door of the bear tribe.

    The patriarch and Ouzheng were talking, and there was a greedy voice around them. Although they had only borrowed for a few days, the people in the small tribe were also doing well with the bear tribe. Now they are surrounded by a chattering goodbye. Goodbye.

    Standing in the crowd, Qin You looked at De, who was carrying luggage, and asked curiously: "Is De planning to follow Ben?"

    "Yeah, De, this silly boy, likes what he would have liked so much. I just want to stick to myself every day." Nai looked helplessly and somewhat funny at De, who was smirking over there.

    "Haha, it's okay, the two love each other." Qin You laughed.

.Similar to the greetings of the bear tribe, the small tribe finally started to set off again.

    This time, most of the people in the tribe were full of energy, and the speed of marching increased a lot. Qin You was sitting on Se's back and eating fries. When he was tired, he would stay for a while, or sleep for a while, which was quite comfortable.

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