Chapter 3

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The next morning, Qin You seemed to have changed a biological clock, without the aura of staying at home and sleeping until noon.

As soon as the sky was lightening, Qin You had already opened his eyes, rubbing his sore eyes and swollen head. Wrapped in animal skins from the hard bed, he sat on the stone bed in a daze for a while, enduring the slight tingling on his body before slowly turning over and getting out of the bed.

Washing my face with cold water, thinking about the new environment, it is easy to lose sleep.

After washing his face with clean water, Qin You's head seemed to be a little more sober.

For breakfast, Qin You didn't pay much attention to it. He just reheated the potatoes that he didn't finish yesterday and just solved breakfast hastily.

Qin You frowned, the memory in the original owner's body seemed to be clearer.

.The world where you are now is indeed no longer the original earth. The animal world you are now in is roughly divided into Kunyue Continent, Miyu Sea Area, Quezero Continent, and Wilderness.

Kunyue Continent is dominated by land orcs, Miyu is dominated by sea orcs, and Quezero is dominated by air orcs. It is the most unique of the three continents. It is the most mysterious race of the three continents. Refers to areas that have not been discovered by the orcs, most of which have harsh terrain and no humans.

Although I knew that I might no longer be on Earth, it was still difficult to fully accept this animal world.

Qin You rubbed his temples and chewed the unresolved potatoes in his mouth. I feel really miserable.

Regardless, it is more important to find food. The determined Qin You, after cleaning his rice bowl, picked up the stone tools that his father used to pick in the corner of the stone house, and walked out of the stone house.

.It is now the end of autumn. In theory, there should be plenty of food, but if you don't pick it again, I'm afraid it will really rot.

During the day the tribe is very quiet, occasionally there are a few furry little monsters rolling around, well, it's actually a few little orcs. The orcs have either gone hunting or are standing guard around the tribe.

Qin You walked to the open space where the bonfire banquet was held last night. There were a few demi-orcs gathered around, as if they were sorting food. There were piles of food around them. Several demi-orcs found Qin You approaching and immediately became dissatisfied. He glared at him a few times, and then turned sideways and said a few words with Ann, who was bowing his head to sort things out.

Ann raised his head and glanced, then continued to organize the food: "Don't pay attention to him."

.Qin You was a little panicked. Yesterday he thought it was only An who was dissatisfied with him. Now it seems that except for the simple Xi, the other Orcs seem to be not particularly friendly. It was also when he returned to the tribe yesterday that only Xi was the only one to greet him. .

Qin You had no choice but to walk away. When passing by the orcs, he heard some fine words: "No work, no confession of any food, and collection and never participate. How could the tribe raise such an orc? ?"

"His father saves money but is a very powerful orc, no wonder he is so squeamish."


Qin You is even more helpless, the mess that the original owner gave him?

Shaking his head, let's go find food quickly. According to this interpersonal relationship, I can only rely on my own efforts.

Qin You looked around and could only look for food according to the memory of the original owner.

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