Chapter 29

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This long row of shops is very lively. Many people walk in and out from time to time, most of them still carrying some seafood in their hands.

    There are probably many residents of Loroka City here to buy seafood.

    Qin You looked at a piece of hair of different shades, with different skin tones, looking very strange.

    "Let's go buy those grilled seafood! It smells so delicious!" Xi dragged Qin You and Lier towards a barbecue stall. Interrupted Qin You's daze.

    There are a lot of people in front of this barbecue stall. Qin You is tiptoeing at the grilled seafood rack, a little curious about its material, but it’s dark and it’s not clear.


    I can only look at the various fishes placed on it, the aroma of the shellfish is overflowing, and the color is attractive.

    The three people watched drooling, and finally squeezed to the front of the stall.

."I want this and this and this and this!" Xi said a series of words at once, because he didn't know what the name was, he would just poke it.

    The boss responded when he heard the words and started to bake.

    Qin You looked at the picks from the west. There were strange-looking but fat fishes that were grilled but sizzling, oysters, skewered shrimps and other strange things that he didn't recognize.

    But I also saw a bunch of meatballs that looked familiar like crab-flavored fruit.

    "Helping me add three strings of this." Qin You added.

    "Good!" The orc wiped his sweat in response.

    It didn't take long for seafood to grill. Before long, a large stack of grilled seafood was rolled in soft leaves and handed over with a drooling aroma.

    It is sprinkled with fresh shallots and garlic, and I don’t know what brown juice, but it smells like

.Very fragrant.

    "It's so fragrant." Xi sighed, and began to feast on it.

    Qin You picked a bunch of grilled shrimps that looked normal. The shrimps were very tender. The seafood did not need to be grilled for a long time. It also had an original flavor and a luxurious aroma. What kind of juice, it tastes richer.

    The grilled squid is sprinkled with cumin and a piece of grilled potato is sandwiched in the middle. The soft and waxy grilled potato matches the tender but chewy grilled squid unexpectedly.

    Qin You also ordered a few skewers of grilled vegetables, sprinkled with cumin and chili powder, although the flavor is crisp and fresh, it also has a unique barbecue flavor.

.The green leaves of these strips look a lot like leeks. Qin You took a bite expectantly, and the sweet leeks smell filled his mouth, with the unique sweetness of leeks, and the taste of the sauce on the outside was also It's very rich, lightening some of the rich flavor in the mouth just now.

    There is also a grilled fatty fish that looks scorched and bald. The round and flat one is very strange in shape. Although it is burnt on the outside, it is soft and waxy inside and melts in the mouth. The white and tender fish is still overflowing with fat. Fatty oil and water, unexpectedly layered taste, this grilled fish seems to be sprinkled with chili powder, it tastes slightly spicy.

    The oysters are very large, with some garlic sprinkled on top, swallowing the roasted fragrant oyster meat in one bite, and the delicious taste lingers in the mouth.

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