Chapter 42

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After dinner, Qin You and Lille squatted on the low wooden pier to sort out their food. The things they gathered today were piled up in a mess. With the dark light of the campfire, they sorted out the messy seedlings first.

    "You, let's plant these seedlings first, right?" Lille grabbed a handful of seedlings that had begun to wilt.

    Qin You nodded, then turned to Se, who was grinding the stone, and asked, "Se, are you done?"

    "Yeah." Se Wenyan stopped the movement in his hand, raised the almost formed stone in his hand, and then took a ray of light to take a look.

    "Just don't grind it, take a wooden stick and tie it." Qin You looked at the stone like a hoe. Regarding planting vegetables, he should leave it to Lille, so he listened to Lille's help to dig a hole for him, and Lille planted vegetables.

.Qin You took the hoe thrown by Se, bent down and dug a few pits, and straightened up again as if remembering something, and said to Se who was standing on the side: "Se, you go and help remove the water in the tank. Fill it up, it's almost used."

    Se nodded, turned and walked into the water tank, carrying it with one hand and walking towards the river. Qin You held a small hoe, and looked at Se's handsome back with some envy. Sent for a while, then bowed his head to dig the pit.

    The land under the house was not big, so Lille stopped planting after leaving some space. Qin You tossed the hoe aside and sighed, rubbed his sore old waist, and looked a little embarrassed at the crooked seedlings that didn't hit the rows. Everything was for eating for drinking.

    "Do you think you can live?" Lille wiped his sweat and asked obviously without confidence.

.Qin You shook his head naturally, a piece of sapling seedlings, and some leaves were forcibly broken. Qin You suddenly felt the importance of a woman at this moment. As expected, even though the sub-orc is a female, it is also a male. Of... Looking at the sky.

    After planting the seedlings in a mess, Qin You and Lier were a little tired of tidying up the wreckage, planning to sort out the food tomorrow.

    Qin You returned to his cabin with the torch, walked into the room with a drag, and easily fixed the torch in the hole in the wall. Lie down on the bed for a while, and let it go for a while, before sitting up, turned over and took the cloth piled on one side, as well as the big bone needles.

    He opened his mouth and roared silently to vent the distress in his heart. After thinking about it for a long time, Qin You decided to make a vest. The main reason was that he didn't know how to sew his sleeves! The vest would be relatively simple.

.No matter how he doesn't want to, he has to do needlework... Qin You sighed again, even though he felt like a girl who does this kind of needlework and grow vegetables! But it’s so helpless to live in another world...

    I didn’t know how many blood holes were poked in his fingers. Qin You stared at his eyes and endured the tingling pain. Finally, he sewed a good-fitting vest, although it had some lengths and some uneven folds, but it was enough to wear. Well, anyway, he thinks that there is no aesthetic in another world.

    Qin You got up and wore a vest to observe himself. He heard a dull sound from upstairs, and then the sound of a wooden ladder swaying behind him.

    "Why did you crawl in again?" Qin You turned and stared at the tall Se, he really began to seriously consider whether to seal the door...

    "New clothes?" Se did not answer, just staring at Qin You's clothes and asked.

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