Chapter 17

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The next day, Qin You got up early and started to prepare breakfast, and the dry food he had brought was almost resolved. Frowning, Qin You fried the few pieces of wild vegetable meat.

    Worried in his heart, he turned to heat the potatoes slightly.

    Suddenly a cry of the Orc came from the corner: "Patriarch! Ou is gone!"

    When the patriarch heard this, he was a little surprised and worried, and then he seemed to walk to the entrance of the cave and watch the route they had migrated yesterday.

    For a long time, "Ke, follow me to the place where Ou put Te's body yesterday to see."

    "Yes!" The orc hurriedly swallowed the barbecue in his mouth and hurriedly followed.

    Suddenly, the tree cave became quiet, and it started to rain lightly outside, and the people in the tree cave looked out of the cave more sadly as if they were awakened.

.Suddenly, they became more worried about the migration road. The food was almost gone. The dense forest didn't know when they could go out. If they didn't go out as soon as possible, they might really starve to death here.

    There was a long silence, and the sound of people eating and chewing slowly and murmured, and the tired faces were stained with blood and wounds that were not known when they were put on.

    It didn't take long for the patriarch Heke to return, with fine raindrops on his body and a little seriousness on his face.

    Looking at the questioning eyes in the cave, the patriarch lowered his head and sighed and said, "When we arrived, Ou had already died holding Te's body..." After a pause, he continued to say "I and Ke Their bodies have been buried..."

.There was no sound, everyone seemed to be shocked. They raised their heads for a long time, and after a long time, there were a few small, suppressed crying sounds.

    The atmosphere is a bit solemn. But now is not the time to be discouraged, we must get out of this dense forest as soon as possible to avoid more casualties.

    The patriarch was silent for a while, then raised his head and shouted: "Let's go! Let's get out of the dense forest!"

    Although still immersed in grief, the Orcs and Orcs still sorted their minds, helplessly and worried and began to march.

    At this time, everyone's spirits are very tense, they even save lunch, and keep moving forward without stopping.

    It's just that the weirdness of this dense forest still cruelly appeared in front of them again and again.

.The weird piranha stopped them, and what was worse was that they not only met the piranha, the fog around the mother-in-law was getting thicker, the visibility was getting lower and lower, and there was a dense forest in front of them.

    The orcs and the sub-orcs were a little panicked when they looked at the weird scenery. The giant piranha with its teeth and claws in front had to stop, and there were more than one that looked ferocious.

    Both the orcs and the sub-orcs reluctantly picked up the bows and arrows inlaid with high-level magic cores, renewed their spirits and shot them at the eater.

    Fortunately, although the piranhas look terrifying, they are only second-level magic cores, and they cannot move freely.

    The bow and arrow can easily kill them.

    After solving those cannibals, the tribe resumed its rapid migration. .But it was really frightened by these strange plants that the speed of the entire tribe accelerated again.

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