Chapter 24

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Qin You and his party walked a lot with the bear clan sub-orcs, picked some wild vegetables and wild fruits, then packed up the animal skin bags, and hurried back to the tribe while the sun was still hanging aside.

    The orcs came back later than they did. Qin You and Xi went back to the small stone house where they were temporarily staying, and took Lille out to prepare dinner with them and the bonfire banquet in the evening.

    The three hurried back to Yuandi. At this time, the orcs had already returned to the tribe. The huge beasts lying on the round ground were still full of blood. They seemed to have gained a lot. These giant beasts, I don’t know. Qin You secretly estimated that it was a few levels of magic core.

    After taking a few glances, he stopped paying too much attention, and led Lille to the side of Yuandi, where Xizheng, Rai and the other Orcs were preparing dinner.

    "Lille, are you here?".Seeing Lille walked in, he stepped forward and patted Lille's shoulder with excitement, and then bluntly introduced: "Look! This is what Lai said is the special food of their tribe, called... called... …" Xi suddenly couldn't tell.

    "Bean paste." Nai stepped forward to receive it.

    "Huh?" Qin You stepped forward curiously when he heard the words, and looked at the square white...tofu on the stone table!

    "Bean paste? What is that?" Lille also looked at the pieces of white tofu with some confusion.

    "That's it, it's very soft, you'll know what it tastes like when you make two of them later!" Nai said proudly.

    Qin You was a little surprised. This bear tribe could even make tofu, but it's okay. After all, he can't make it. All he can make is just some home-cooked dishes. It's a great fortune to eat these tofu! .Thinking about it this way, isn't the city of Loroka gathering a lot of delicious food from all directions?

    Thinking of this, Qin You suddenly yearned for Loroka City even more.

    Put the tofu aside first. Qin You didn't plan to cook anymore tonight, so he surrounded Nai to fight and steal some skills by the way.

    Nai washed the chestnuts first, then cut a seam between the chestnut shells with a shell knife, and then soaked the chestnuts in water, "You, help me make a pot."

    Qin You nodded and helped Nai to dry the cauldron. Nai sprinkled salt powder in the pot, then put the drained chestnuts in and fry them slowly. After about a few minutes, the skin of the chestnuts began to bloom. Sure enough, Nai speeded up the frequency of stir-frying, and then began to slowly sprinkle in powdered sugar.

.Nai continued to stir-fry, and the scent of fried chestnuts slowly spread out, and the smell made people drool. While Xi was cooking rice, he couldn't help but ran over here to take a look.

    "It's really fragrant. Fortunately, I picked up a big animal skin bag~" Xi said with satisfaction, smelling the burnt incense.

    After a few more stir-frying, Nai closed the lid and decided to simmer for a few minutes.

    After cooking the chestnuts, Nai turned around and started to prepare tofu. Qin You cut the white tofu into cubes and put them aside.

    "Let's make a braised tofu." Nai washed the pot and reheated it.

    "Yeah!" Qin You nodded without any objection, looking forward to it.

    Nai put the cut tofu into the pot and stir-fried slightly, then added soy sauce and water. Cover the pot and cook for a while, then cook the broth almost, add salt powder, powdered sugar, and sprinkle with chives at the end.

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