Chapter 16

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The tribe continued to migrate along the river to the dense forest. As the migration deepened, the orcs and sub-orcs became more cautious about their surroundings. The surrounding environment has obviously become more humid and colder. Insects are also gradually spreading. Hidden in the surrounding trees and grass

    "Lil, are you okay?" Qin You asked Lear, who was lying on Se with a little worry as he walked.

    Lille's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was shallow, and his brows were deeply furrowed. Obviously fighting with the wolves last night and fleeing to the jungle made his body very tired.

    Lille opened his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and said to Qin You with a stiff smile: "I'm fine."

    Qin You looked at the weak Lear and frowned silently and sighed. There were still large and small wounds on Se's body, which stopped and some blood flowed out because of Lear's back.

.After applying Se's wound again, Qin You felt a little distressed. But it is a pity that he will not do it.

    For nearly the whole morning, Qin You was thinking about this, without realizing that someone in the tribe ahead had been bitten by a poisonous insect.

    Or one by one, the line at the end of the tribe will know. Everyone who heard it became more worried and careful.

    In fact, the surrounding scenery has undergone a lot of changes, and the squeaking of various strange insects keeps coming from my ears.

    Colorful bugs are crawling on tree trunks and grass. There are even some flying bugs circling around, big or small, or spit out strange mucus and weird squeaks, making people look scared.

    The orcs and sub-orcs had to observe the surrounding changes and the approach of other creatures more closely.

.Before long, there was a cry in front of him, and Qin You's heart sank, thinking that the person might have gone.

    Suddenly the surrounding atmosphere was a little gloomy, but no one dared to make any moves, so they could only stand blankly, fearing that the chaos of the team would cause more damage.

    "Be careful." Se murmured.

    Qin You nodded in a daze, and while sorrowful, he could only secretly sigh that the poison in this alien forest really deserves its reputation.

    The team didn't stand still for long, and after a while, the crying turned into a few bottom sobbings. Intermittently as you move forward

    The team was immersed in a sad atmosphere and marched slowly, as if sighing that a life had gone so fast.

    In the long silence, the tribe finally stopped when it reached a sparse wood and began to rest.

    Qin You sat down in a clearing with some depression in his heart. .Looking at the old Asian Orc sitting not far away in pain.

    Xi Ye looked sadly at the old Asian Orc who was holding his partner and crying, and said, "It was the old partner Ouhete that night, who was still smiling and supporting each other yesterday. I didn't think it was now yin and yang. NS……"

    Qin You looked at the sad old man with white hair and felt a little distressed. But there is helpless powerlessness.

    "Well, everyone, please cheer up! As everyone knows, we have lost a companion just now," the patriarch choked a little, "but the bigger test is still ahead. We must be more careful. Get out of this dense forest. I don't want us. Lose another companion. Next, settle lunch on the spot, don't walk around, lest it be dangerous."

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