Chapter 73

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"Should be good, the crowd is so crowded..." Lille turned his head and glanced at the crowd again, while muttering softly while holding his weapon. Because of the large crowd behind him while still leaning on crutches, he was a little unsteady when he was squeezed out by the crowd, his body crooked, and he rushed to the ground.

    Before Lille could scream in surprise, he was squeezed in his throat and was held by Bach with his arms around his waist. Lille panicked and hugged Bach's waist with one hand and a weapon in one hand. After standing firm, he sighed slightly.

    "Be careful, all right?" Bach frowned and looked down at Lille in his arms.

    "Yeah..." Lille nodded, also a little scared, holding Bach's waist carefully to stand firmly, and he passed the crutch that fell aside, with a reproachful look.

    Re-attaching the cane, Lille handed the weapon to Bach to hold it, and stood up a lot easier. .Then stood on the side of the crowd and looked at Qin You's figure. I deliberately moved further away from the crowd so as not to be squeezed in again.

    Qin Mantou in the crowd squeezed out of the crowd, carefully holding these two weapons. Lifted his eyes to find Se's position.

    "You, what did you pick?" Lille watched Qin You come out with a big knife in his arms, and leaned forward curiously.

    "This big knife, and a small knife." Qin You raised the two knives. The black texture was the sharpest knives he had seen. They were not light in weight and required a lot of arm strength to lift them up.

    "Is this a sharp face? I heard Bach said that this is a commonly used weapon by the Winged Orcs." Lille lowered his head and touched his weapon, some of them distressed for the large sum of money he had just spent.

    "Yeah. Very sharp." .Qin You nodded affirmatively, although they usually don't have many opportunities to use these weapons, most of the collection locations are in safe areas. But it is always good to have better weapons.

    Qin You looked at the magical and somewhat unreal world around him, and he still had the urge to take a good look.

    But in the face of those big and cruel looking

    Qin You was a little bit reluctant to kill his own beast with a single claw.

    Turning the big knife glowing with metallic luster in his hand, maybe it's okay to slash small beasts?

    After a moment of discouragement, Qin You sighed and looked at Lille and Bach who had been talking and laughing away. "Let's go too, and take a stroll."

    "Well, help you get it?" Se stretched out his hand to take the weapon in Qin You's hand.

    "No." Qin You turned sideways, avoiding the big hand that Se stretched over. .Is this more than enough for him to move it?

    Se seemed to see his insistence and twitched the corner of his mouth amusedly. Put down your hand and no longer insist.

    After walking around for a while, Qin You also found a shop that specializes in selling milk, selling all kinds of milk. In Qin You's opinion, it is basically a mess of milk, such as cow's milk and goat's milk.

    The material used seems to be a glass bottle. Qin You unwrapped a bottle, the milk scent was very strong, but it seemed to be mixed with a fresh scent. The mouth feels a bit like yogurt, but the taste is slightly sweet and sticky

    A strong feeling.

    The taste is not bad, Qin You bought a few more bottles specially.

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