Chapter 2

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When Qin You and Xi arrived, they saw that they were scattered around the altar in the center.

In the center of the altar lies the polyhorned dragon that Xi said, along with cooked meat on the side, and next to it is piled up with food to be distributed to the tribe for the winter.

As soon as Qin You and Xi approached the crowd, they saw a tall blond orc waving at them.

Ya, the tiger orc, the boy of West...friend. Qin You flashed in his mind.

Qin You knew, with a light cough, he consciously got into the crowd, approached the altar, and watched the sacrificial ceremony being held by the patriarch and ancestor witch in the center of the altar.

Seeing their weird movements, accompanied by the beating of the bonfire on the altar, the orange-red flames flashed on and off Qin You's face. For some reason, Qin You felt a little heavy.

.Xi didn't know when he appeared next to Qin You again, and after taking a look at Qin You's expression, he said, "When the patriarch and ancestor witch are finished offering sacrifices, the bonfire banquet will officially begin..."

Before he finished speaking, Xi hurriedly stopped, and followed the surrounding orcs and sub-orcs with their hands folded and bowed their heads to the ground.

When Qin You saw this, he was a little helpless to follow along. Fortunately, everyone closed their eyes and worshiped religiously, and no one paid too much attention to Qin You's unnatural movements.

The sacrifice was completed in Qin You's heart like a process, and finally followed the Xi to the corner of the mound, and there were two log piers in front of them, which were probably used for placing food later.

After a while, the surroundings finally became noisy, and in the center of the circle there were already a few orcs dancing around the campfire, wondering what weird dance was.

.Qin You looked up and saw a touch of a slightly familiar golden retriever, then looked at the Xi next to him, smiling with his cheeks all over his eyes. Smiled, Xi is a very good friend.

In the past, Qin You was a standard otaku. I don't know why there are so many friends online, but there are very few friends in real life.

Probably I am used to being alone, and then there is a kind of warmth that is accidentally caught. Qin You lowered his head, his facial features became dark and unclear under the bonfire.

The few orcs who were distributing food approached, Qin You raised his head and looked up. The head was a brown curly-haired boy, who was very delicate, called An, but I didn't know why, but Qin You treated him. Can't promote good feelings.

Ann put a few pieces of meat and some vegetables in the basin in the west, and smiled and said, "Eat more.".Then he waved his hand, and the young man behind him put another distributed package on the table of the Xi, saying, "This is food for the winter."

Xi nodded without expression.

Then An turned to Qin You's table, but only put down the food on the plate, turned around and was about to leave but was stopped by Xi, "Ann, why doesn't You have food for the winter?"

Ann turned around and smiled slightly: "The tribe will not raise people who don't donate food, Xi."

Hearing this, Xi was a little annoyed. He was thinking of something he wanted to say, but was held by Qin You's hand. An did not make a mistake. The tribe did have this rule. After Qin You's Abba and Father passed away, he was no longer able to donate food to the tribe.

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