Chapter 43

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When Qin You and Lier finished the two jars of pickled vegetables and moved the two jars into the house, Xi had almost finished four pairs of pants. Although the quantity sounds particularly impressive, the quality...Sure enough, Xi said that there is a qualitative difference between what he learned from his father and what his father did.

    Although Qin You was very disgusted, he was 10,000 times better than what he had made himself. Although the stitches were rough, he still had the appearance of his pants.

    But the only fatal flaw is that the waistband is too fat! Qin You put it on the outside, and then tied a belt to fix it, but because the trousers were too fat, they looked like short culottes, which looked ridiculous.

    Qin You couldn't wear big clothes, let alone Lille. Xi looked at Qin You's funny face and covered his mouth with joy, but was swept away by Qin You's venomous eyes.

.Weakly said: "Or I will take it home, let my father help you change it."

    Qin You pulled off his wide pants and nodded helplessly. Xi put his heart down and tightened the four pairs of pants with a smile, but couldn't relax his mouth, "By the way, what's the matter? Why can't you see him?"

    "He went hunting, how can you tell." Qin You also moved a small wooden pier for himself and Lear, then sat down and pulled the animal skin bag with food, while taking out a few rice crackers and started breaking. While leisurely responding to Xi's words.

    "Oh... yes." West nodded, and then said again: "I really want to see Se's wings. I haven't seen the wings of the orcs of the Spear Zero. But I heard from Arthur that Se hasn't acted with the Horde recently. Woolen cloth."

    "Um... let him go..." Qin You continued to answer leisurely. It's weird for Se to show them such two cute little wings.

.Lille smiled lightly and didn't reply. But it was also clear what was awkward.

    "By the way, ice cellars are going to be built in the tribe in the last few days. Our tribe has never seen this before, but people from the Dora tribe say that this is something that every tribe in the generation of Loroka City will have." Xi changed the subject and continued to talk, and took a few rice crackers to help rub it.

    "Ice cellar?" Qin You was taken aback. How would the ice cellar be built?

    "Well, I heard that every household is willing to make ice cellars or not." Lille also replied. This is the topic of the tribe these days. "Eu, do we want to build one?"

    "Of course." Qin You nodded naturally, how nice the ice cellar is, especially in summer. "But how do you make it?"

."Um... Dad said, just dig a hole, dig a deep hole, and then put the winter ice in it. The patriarch of the Dora tribe said they can provide us with some. And I heard that this generation The underground temperature is already very low." Xizuo replied after pondering for a while.

    Qin You nodded, anyway, he was waiting for the ice cellar to be built, and when the ice cellar was built, he would feel better in midsummer. The sorrow of modern people...

    "You, do you just sprinkle salt on this dish and keep pressing it?" Xi was probably tired, put down the rice crackers in his hand, and started walking around.

    "Yeah. It can be stored for a long time after marinating." Qin You was also a little tired from peeling, but seeing that there were not many rice crackers, he waved his hand and continued.

    "I'll try it when I go home, but it's almost noon. I'll go back first, bye." Xi said goodbye.

    "Um.".Qin You and Lier responded, and stepped up their hands to finish finishing the rice crackers.

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