Chapter 52

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Se had probably been waiting for a long time, and his expression looked a little worried. After seeing Qin You and Lier, his eyes were relieved a lot.

Kakamon's speed slowed down, and Se took over Kakamon's rope and exclaimed with some dissatisfaction: "Remember to come back early next time."

"I see." Qin You and Lier nodded obediently. Although they were a little tired, they were still in a high mood, especially when they saw a car full of food. I was full of ideas about how to deal with them.

When I got home, the ice cellar was almost repaired. There were a lot of small stones scattered around the inner wall, and it didn't look so wet. There were a few torches inserted at intervals, and I had to take a small torch to light it while climbing down. , After all, the mosaic magic verifies that it is extravagant. There is also a hanging cork ladder with ice cubes in it.

.Qin You climbed down with excitement to observe, and by the way, let Lille hang some perishable food on it and store it in.

The temperature in the ice cellar is much cooler than the outside, and the temperature near the ice cubes will also drop a lot, but after a long time, the cold air will feel heavier. Fortunately, Qin You wore an animal skin cloak with foresight.

Arranged the food one by one, Qin You was in a good mood and climbed up again. With the ice cellar, summer will be much happier.

For dinner, I prepared the few buns I bought and steamed them in a pot. Then I prepared some potatoes, a pot of shrimp-flavored grass tofu soup, and a pile of braised pork ribs.

.I don't know what kind of animal the meat in the meat bun is. It is tender but chewy, and has a unique flavor. I don't know what special seasonings are added. With a sweet taste, a large piece of finely chopped beast meat is placed, completely unlike the black-hearted vendors in modern society. A bun is very interesting.

Qin You drank the delicious tofu soup and swallowed two steamed buns. After eating half-filled, he reached out and took another steamed bun, watching Segu chewing a steamed bun.

"Is it delicious?" Qin You asked, raising his chopsticks and taking a bite of the braised stew with rich sauce while holding up his chopsticks, Qin You sighed in his heart because of the beautiful taste.

"It's okay." Se swallowed a meat bun, and then continued to eat the braised pork ribs, one bite at a time. So a bunch of large rows is quite necessary.

."This steamed bun is delicious, but I don't know how to make it." Lille obviously liked the taste of steamed buns, but it was a pity that he didn't know how to make them.

Qin You nodded, this is someone making money, how can I let you know...

After the three of them had dinner, the night became a lot thicker. Lille was squatting on the vegetable patch to observe his seedlings, but it should not be a seedling now. Qin You saw that the growth was pretty good, and the greenery had already risen a lot.

"The soil on the third floor has been filled." Se pointed to the upper floor.

"So fast?" Qin Yougang soaked the soybeans in the water and prepared the soy milk for tomorrow morning. He glanced at it after hearing the words, although he didn't see anything. But he still had to admire the speed at which the orcs worked.

.Qin You climbed up to the third floor and lit the torch inserted in the wall. The roof became brighter all at once, and half of the top floor was filled with soil. Looking at the wide-open rooftops, there are only a few recliners and tables to be perfect. I have to go to Luo to prepare for it tomorrow.

In addition, I have to find some fruit trees that climb the vines, but grapes are not necessary. You can also find some other plants to grow. It must be very pleasant to lie on a recliner under the thick shade to eat and drink.

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