Chapter 45

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After Qin You and Lier had their breakfast, they sat on the wooden pier and chatted.

    There was a word of gossip without a word, Qin You suddenly heard a very familiar car rumbling, turned his head to look, Luo supported a cane, and a small car behind him, Qin You was a little excited when he looked at the familiar car. , Has been completed? But according to reason, his cart shouldn't be so small, right?

    When Luo walked in some more, Qin You could see that the little car was originally a wooden wheelchair made by Luo! This is no different from Qin You's surprise when he saw a bicycle made of wood.

    In fact, the wheelchair Qin You only remembered to tell Luo later, but he did it first, but it was probably because Luo was more interested.

    "Luo, have you done it so soon?" Qin You got up with excitement when seeing the wheelchair, but Lear was still sitting on the wooden pier, looking a little dazed.

."Well, I made it in a hurry. This idea is very good, it suits Lille," Luo said with a rare smile, and a gleam of brilliance appeared on his gloomy face, as if he was a little confident, "I did it for myself. One, I tried it, but it just didn't roll so well."

    Qin You nodded in understanding. After all, this is made of wood. How can it be so easy to roll. He didn't do this for Lille himself. It would be great to install a precursor... For example, his cute Kaka beast... …

    "It would be more convenient to pull with docile beasts, but beasts need to be trained. This can reduce a lot of manpower." Qin You looked at the wheelchair. Although the workmanship is rough, there are many differences in many places, but after all Instead of pursuing a modern wheelchair, Qin You felt that as long as the Kakamon could pull it, Lille would sit comfortably.

.However, this wheelchair is not a modern wheelchair. The tires are not big. They are four small tires. Qin You never thought of having a big wheel two, pushing the big wooden tires, and it is still in such primitive mud. How easy is it on the road?

    Wen Yan Luo nodded in excitement, his tone was a lot of excitement, "What a great idea! Although it sounds very difficult to domesticate beasts, you can try it."

    Qin You pushed the wheelchair twice and greeted Lille to come over and sit down. Listening to the conversation between the two, Lille vaguely knew that the car was for him, but he was still ignorant of what it was for.

    Qin You sat down with Lear's support, and then pushed for a certain distance. He estimated that the car might roll well on a flat road, but it might be a bit unstable in a rough place.

.Lille was a little pleased with the feeling of sitting in a wheelchair, and fumbled left and right excitedly.

    "By the way, you, I guess I can finish some objects in the evening, and I will let him take them when Se comes back. Because the people in the tribe are busy making carts recently." Luo said, "Okay. , Then I will go back first."

    "Well, trouble you." Qin You and Lier smiled and waved goodbye.

    Seeing Luo walk away, I thought to myself that everyone was eager to pull the cart of the tribe.

    Looking back, Qin You looked down at Lear sitting in the car, and said triumphantly: "Not bad, right?"

    Lille nodded and praised, but what he said was: "Luo's craftsmanship is getting better and better!"

    ... Does he contribute too? Brain power is also computing power...

.Qin You pushed Lille around for a few times, then looked at the Kakamon who was dangling on the pillar and ate the grass, walking in expectantly, pulling off the rope around Kakamon's neck, and then tied it back to the original position. Just above the two small holes that have been drilled.

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