Chapter 9

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Qin You returned to the stone house with a bag of fish. It was already time for dinner. He heated the chicken for lunch, steamed rice in another pot, and then fried a pot of stir-fried cabbage to clean the fish. Then I put ginger and spring onion to make a piece of steamed fish. After all, this fish is really big and can only be cut and cooked.

    Qin You estimated his own appetite, so he didn't cook any more. He didn't like to eat leftovers so much. Although it was common to eat leftovers as a child, leftovers are not good for your health.

    The steamed fish is very fresh. The green onions are sprinkled on the white and tender fish. The fish is tender and delicious. The green onions have a fresh and unique fragrance. With a bite of crispy stir-fried cabbage, it has the sweetness of vegetables. Qin You doesn't plan to drink the chicken soup anymore. Qin You's biggest goal is to get rid of the cooked chicken, which is rotten glutinous food.

.Qin You feels that he has been panicked recently. After eating two large bowls of rice, he almost wiped it out before touching his stomach and belching contentedly.

    Sit slowly on the wooden pier before getting up to clean up the dishes. After washing the dishes and placing them, Qin You cleaned up all the fresh fish caught today, then wrapped them in clean soft leaves, and then washed the fruits that Xi brought today.

    Most of these fruits are not big, they should have been picked from trees that are not tall. Qin You is a bit regretful, he should also pick some small fruits, and he has to be greedy for the big fruits on those big trees.

    While washing these small fruits, I wonder how to make dried fruits and dry them in the sun. Sprinkle some sugar? Qin You looked at the small fruits pinched in the palm of his hand. The bright colors were gratifying, and he couldn't help but bit one in his mouth. Well, it tasted a bit like plums, and the sweet taste was very refreshing.

.After washing all the fruits and wrapping them in soft leaves, Qin You plans to try it tomorrow.

    There is still a lot of time after washing the fruit. Seeing that the sky outside has just dimmed, Qin You thought for a while and planned to fry the dried fish first.

    Qin You took out the bag of dried fish wrapped in soft leaves, poured the oil into the pot and heated it up. After the hot smoke, Qin You poured a large pot of small fish into it, and then swelling. The sound of the fish overflowed with waves of fried fish.

    After frying the small fish to golden brown, Qin You fished out the fried small fish, sprinkled them with chopped green onions and salt, and mixed them to finish. After Qin You ate a few pieces, he wrapped the small fishes as usual, tied them with straw ropes, tied the knots, and wrapped a few small packets. The winter snack is complete.

.After the fish was fried, Qin You's eyes were already a little sour, he washed his hands, lit the bonfire, and sat on the bed wrapped in animal skins, a little drowsy. After a while, he fell asleep with his head crooked.

    The next day, Qin You got up refreshed to wash, and then prepared breakfast. Qin You planned to try that Fenguo today. He took out a Fenguo, opened a mouth, and poured water directly into the Nenguo's shell. After kneading, he took out a white dough.

    Qin You planned to eat a few cakes, cut the meat into cubes, and finely chop the cabbage. Although this is not pork, it is also meat.

    Stir-fry the mixed stuffing and wrap it into the dough, and then press it into a moderately thick pie. Qin You dare not make too big, for fear that he will not be able to handle the scorching when he fries, and it will be troublesome. After making five or six small noodles, Qin You felt that it was almost the same, so he started to heat the pot and poured the fruit oil.

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