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"I'm scared, Bruce." Jasmine whimpered, clutching his hand tightly.

She had currently been in painful labor for two hours, the start of what would be to come.

"It's perfectly normal to feel scared, Jasmine. But I'm right here. I promise no one will get to you or the baby. Bucky and Steve are outside of the doors for protection." Bruce kissed her knuckles, trying to lessen the stress being put on the baby.

"How long will this take?"

"It depends, Jazz, honey. Some women just have the baby within an hour of the first contractions, others take a while." Bruce shrugged.

"Bruce? I want to name the baby after everyone but I can't." Jasmine began to cry not only from the amount of pain in her feminine area, but from her emotional levels.

"Sweetheart, that's nothing to cry about." Bruce smiled softly to Jasmine.

"Would it be weird if the baby had two middle names?"

"I think it would be pretty unique." Bruce shrugged his shoulders. "What are the name choices?"

"For a boy, it would be Tellan Edward James Summers. Its a mouthful but Harry's like my brother and my father's real name is James so I want to have them in on that one. Then if its a girl, Adalynn Natalia Margaret Summers. Natalia would be from Natasha because its her real name and she's like a sister to me and Margaret because that's what my mother's name was. But I haven't talked to Alex about middle names more than once or twice."

"What do you think it is?"

"A boy. I have a strong feeling its a boy." Jasmine couldn't help but smile through the tears as she rubbed her belly.

Just then, Alex bursted into the room with Harry close behind him.

"Has the baby come?" Alex was breathing heavily as he held Jasmine's hand and kissed her lips quickly.

"It could take a while longer, Alex." Bruce shook his head.

"You're doing so great, Jasmine, love." Harry brushed Jasmine's hair back.

"What's going on, guys?" Bruce asked.

"Magneto just came to 'talk' while Loki came to announce he's siding with us, apparently." Alex sighed as he rubbed Jasmine's thigh.

"Loki's so sweet." Jasmine couldn't help but smile at the mention of Loki.

"Tell Alex about your baby names, Jasmine." Bruce said, changing the subject so no one would be upset with Jasmine's reaction to Loki turning good.

"For a boy, I want it to be Tellan Edward James Summers." Jasmine looked from Alex's blue eyes to Harry's now watery green eyes. She held Harry's hand in one of her own while Alex held her other one. "And for a girl it would be Adalynn Natalia Margaret Summers."

Alex looked towards Harry, who was almost on the verge of happy tears, then looked back to Jasmine.

"That's a beautiful choice, baby." Alex kissed Jasmine's cheek.

"That's not right, Summers. Kiss your girl. She's about to have your kid." Harry chuckled a little, rubbing his eyes before he could cry fully.

Alex rolled his eyes playfully at Harry but complied and kissed Jasmine's lips.

A course of painful contractions went through Jasmine's body, which made her break the kiss and scream in pain.

"It's okay, Jasmine. It'll be okay. You're not fully dilated yet." Banner rubbed Jasmine's knee.

About twenty eight hours later, it was midnight the two days later.

The Avengers and X-Men were crowded in the hallway outside of the delivery room, waiting and waiting for the baby to be born.

Bruce was fairly worried. Normal labor for the first time can last anywhere from eight to sixteen hours but Jasmine wasn't exactly the traditional 'normal'.

"She's killing me with all that screaming." Clint mumbled as he rubbed his temples.

The superheroes were in different positions through out the hall. Some were laying across the hallway; Peter, Tony, Kitty and Scott, some were sitting against the wall; Logan, Bucky, Steve, Bobby and Clint, others were standing; Storm, Jean, Natasha, and Thor. Kitty had her head in Bobby's lap as she laid across the hallway.

It was safe to say everyone was getting a mild headache from Jasmine screaming bloody murder basically.

"Someone check and see if she's being murdered." Tony mumbled sarcastically.

Harry was with Jasmine, Alex, and Bruce. Jasmine wanted him to be with her and Bruce thought Harry could help calm her down a little and make her emotions not so erratic.

The door opening to the delivery room made everyone lift their heads up.

It was Bruce and he wore the biggest smile filled with pride and happiness as he looked around the hallway filled with superheroes.

There was a while of silence before anyone spoke.

"Well?" Tony stood up and spoke sassy. He was wide awake, more than any of the others. But that's was because he was used to staying up hours and days on end.

"She's had the baby."

"No shit, Sherlock. What is it?" Logan asked as he stood up as well.

Bruce shook his head with happy tears forming in his eyes.

Jasmine had almost become like a sister to him. He had never been happier for anyone in his life.

Boy or girl, guys?

Lol what's up!!! Its Monday 😭

This is no where near ending just an FYI.

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<3 Kacey <3

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