I'm Pregnant?

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Jasmine slept well that night, though she knew she'd miss Harry.

Alex, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. He couldn't quit thinking about what Logan had said.

Alex managed to slip out of Jasmine's hands, leaving the room to go look for Logan. It was noon, so everyone was awake for the most part. Logan had told Scott, then they started arguing and almost had a physical fight until Natasha stopped them. So everyone knew now; everyone except for Jasmine herself.

"You are so fucking lucky I don't kick your ass, Summers." Logan was beyond angry, furious that Alex had impregnated Jasmine.

"How do you even know if she really is?" Alex rolled his eyes, showing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"He's got animal senses, Alex. He can sense it in her like a dog." Banner said. Alex never thought about that and suddenly, he was happy that he'd have a child with Jasmine, it would only draw the two closer together.

"When do we tell her?" Alex questioned.

"We don't." Steve said.

"We can't just not tell her, Cap. She'll find out sooner or later when she has morning sickness or she gets rounded." Storm objected. "If she's going to be a mother, she deserves to know."

"But she isn't ready for it, Storm. She's a kid herself." Logan kept his hands in tight fists, concentrating on not punching someone. Jasmine was like his daughter, in a really weird way, so naturally he was furious that Alex had done it with her.

"She'll end up killing it." Clint muttered, playing with one of his arrows.

"Shut up, bird man. Don't be like that." Bobby chuckled.

"Jasmine isn't a threat to the kid-"

"She ends up on the verge of death every other day, Summers. How the hell is she suppose to keep a kid alive if she can't even keep herself out of danger?" Natasha asked, sarcastically.

"She's got me." Alex spoke through a clenched jaw.

"Yeah and you're doing one hell of a job with keeping her safe." Tony mumbled, messing with his phone.

"Fuck off, Stark. No body wants your input." Alex said.

"Don't you know, Alex? Everything involves him." Steve muttered.

"Now what the hell?" Tony turned around to face Steve. The two began to argue as the others sighed.

"I'm telling her when she wakes up." Alex declared.

"The fuck you are." Logan snorted.

"She's finally happy, Alex. Just let her enjoy the happiness before she has to deal with having a child." Banner said. Alex thought about his words for a moment.

"Okay." Alex sighed, giving in.

"Oh will you two knock it off!" Natasha threw a notebook at Tony.

"He started it!" Tony pointed to Steve, who was glaring at him.

Alex headed back to Jasmine's room a while later with Jasmine's new iPhone in hand.

When he walked into the bedroom, he noticed Jasmine wasn't in bed.

"Jazz?" Alex called out, closing the door behind him.

"Hmm?" A faint mumble could be heard from the bathroom. Alex put Jasmine's phone down and rushed to the bathroom.

Jasmine was laying in the bathroom with her cheek resting on the closed toilet seat lid. Alex could see the pink in her cheeks that wasn't there before. Her forehead was damp too, from a hot flash.

"Baby girl, what're you doing in the floor?" Alex knelt down beside her, brushing a few strands of her hair back.

"Alex. I-I don't feel good." Jasmine mumbled. He eyes were closed as she breathed shallowly.

"Did you get sick?" Alex stood up to get a washcloth from the cupboard. He got it damp with cold water and rung it out before wiping her forehead with it.

"Yeah." Jasmine sniffled.

"Okay. Well let's get you back to bed, princess." Alex put the rag down and picked Jasmine up.

After putting her in the bed and covering her up, he returned to get the washcloth, putting it on her forehead.

"What hurts, Jazz?"

"Everything." Jasmine groaned in pain.

"I'll get Doctor Banner." Alex kissed Jasmine's forehead before leaving.

Jasmine had fallen asleep by the time Alex returned with Banner.

"We need to tell her soon, Bruce." Alex spoke quietly.

"I know. Her body will begin to change in order to have the baby." Banner nodded. "I am honestly surprised the baby lived through Jasmine being shot."

"You knew she was pregnant before Logan?" Alex glanced over to the doctor, who only shrugged.

"The surgeon told me. That's why Director Fury wasn't so surprised, because he and I already knew."

"The baby's going to be a fighter, just like its mom." Alex smiled faintly, rubbing Jasmine's hand.

"Make sure she eats a lot, Alex. She needs to have the proper nutrition and all for the baby to be healthy." Banner patted Alex's shoulder before leaving. Alex waited for Banner to leave before he went to the bathroom.

Upon returning from the bathroom, Alex saw Jasmine sitting up on the bed, her knees wrapped tightly around her chest, her eyes now red with fresh tears.

"Jasmine? Baby girl? Are you okay?" Alex spoke quietly as he moved towards her.

"I-I'm pregnant?"

#CLIFFHANGER! You all know you love me. Lol and I love you too.

So how did you like this chapter? Jalex is coming back. . . Do you think the baby will bring them together?

QOTD: Do you use pintrest?

AOTD: YASSSS!! Pinterest is everything!

And pssss.... if you want to have a visual help on IAOA. (I Am Operation Animal) then check out my Pinterest. I'm planning on making edits and pinning pictures to help you guys if you want to check it out. My name is Kacey Taylor and my profile pic is the SHIELD logo.

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<3 Kacey <3

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