Of Course

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It took an hour and a half for Banner to reach the building.

"You're so strong, Jasmine. Just keep hanging on." Banner rushed to help her without much of his equipment.

Jasmine was currently laying down on a sheet that Banner had brought. Everyone waited behind closed doors as Banner helped her. Alex was the only one to stay in the room.

Jasmine was stripped down to her undergarments, her torso was cleaned and wrapped. Alex held her hands tightly as Banner stitched up a wound on her hip.

"I-I can't take it, Alex!" Jasmine cried out, the pain coursing through her entire body was too much to handle.

"Yes you can, baby. I promise you'll be just fine. I promise." Alex brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead.

"No." She shook her head as she began to cry.

"It's okay, Jasmine. Hold on." Banner looked into his bag and took out a needle with morphine in it.

"Look at me, Jazz." Alex softly moved Jasmine's face so she was looking at him.

Jasmine winced as the needle poked her elbow. She began to feel relief immediately, her fingers and toes went numb.

"There we go, Jasmine." Banner rubbed her arm as Alex placed a blanket Banner had brought over her body. "Pick her up, Alex. And be easy." Banner stood up and put his bag over his shoulder.

Alex wrapped the blanket around her and lifted her up, as if she were a baby. He held her close to his chest as he began to walk out of the room.

"Is she okay?" Steve asked, who was hushed by Banner.

"Yes. She just needs her sleep and some more medicine." Banner nodded.

"Do you need me to take her?" Logan appeared at the top of the stairs.

"No. I got her." Alex spoke through a locked jaw. He knew Jasmine still held feelings for Logan and vise versa, so he didn't want Logan to touch or hold her, especially since Jasmine was partially naked under the blanket.

"No need for any of that, bub." Logan watched as Alex walked up the stairs with Jasmine. "I wouldn't hurt Jasmine-"

"Yeah well your brother sure did." Alex snapped as he passed Logan.

"Alex." Jasmine rasped. "It's not his fault."

"Shh, baby. It's okay." Alex murmured,

"Logan would never hurt me." Jasmine tried to move but gasped out as she felt a bunch of pain burst through her body.

"Jasmine, stop. You're going to hurt yourself." Alex continued to walk towards the plane, which held Phil Coulson's crew.

"Oh well. If everyone else can hurt me, then I can hurt myself."

"No you can't. Try to get some sleep while Banner has you on medication, Jasmine."

"This way, Alex." Skye motioned for Alex to follow her. They went into a medical room, basically. Alex placed Jasmine down on the bed, brushed her hair back with his hand.

"How much blood did Doctor Banner say she lost?" Jemma Simmons asked as she walked into the room, Skye had left at the same time.

"Uhhh.... Two and a half courts, I think." Alex sighed.

"Two and a half courts? Bloody hell. She shouldn't be alive if she lost well over half her blood supply." Simmons began to attach countless needles to Jasmine's body.

"Jasmine's... special like that." Alex rubbed her thigh, seeming as that was the only place he could touch her that wouldn't hurt her.

"Do you care about her, Mr. Summers?" Simmons asked as she worked on Jasmine's currently unconscious body.

"Of course. I love her." Alex nodded.

"This all must seem like a burden, having the girl you care about and love always getting into trouble's way."

"Yeah. I should've stayed with her." Alex crossed his arms, leaning against the wall beside the bed.

"There was nothing you or anyone else could've done to prevent this, Alex."

"I would've stopped them." Alex mumbled.

Dude!! I ever time I check this thing, this story has another 1k reads!!!

I love you guys!!

<3 Kacey <3

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