Too Bad!

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Jasmine was currently laying in her room. She was on her back, looking up at the ceiling.

I should've gone with Alex. I want to see my friends-

Jasmine's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened. She propped herself up on her elbows.

"Jasmine? Love, I have a group of people I need you to meet. Come with me." Loki held his hand out for Jasmine.

"Who?" She asked as she took his hand and they walked out of the room.

"Just.... A few very important people." Loki leaned over and kissed her cheek, making her blush.

They walked into a room filled with people around a table. She could pick out Pyro and Victor, but the rest weren't familiar. Loki sat down but Jasmine remained standing by him.

"Amazing." An older looking man said, looking at her eyes.

"Show them what you can do, Jasmine darling." Loki smirked, looking over to Jasmine.

"Which one?" She whispered.

"The levitation."

"Okay." Jasmine nodded and closed her eyes before she opened them again. Everyone gasped or made some kind of noise when Jasmine started levitating all the chairs around the room.

"Okay, you can put me down!" A blue skinned woman yelled. Jasmine let everyone go back down to the ground.

"I thought she had green eyes." A red man with black hair said.

"She has a variety of different colored eyes. Tell them about it." Loki glanced to Jasmine.

"Um, my eyes change with my mood, or so I'm told." Jasmine looked around the room but settled her eyes on Loki.

"They're blue now. What does that mean?" The blue woman asked.

"Dr. Banner said I'm calm when my eyes are blue." Jasmine replied.

"You can go back to your room now, Jasmine." Loki waved her off. She nodded before leaving. Once Loki was sure she was out of hearing range, they started talking.

"How do you get her to listen to you?" Magneto asked. "She's like a pet."

"She is naive and she doesn't know who to trust." Loki chuckled coldly.

"So you're just using her?" Mystique asked.

"Well, not exactly." Loki smirked.

Jasmine woke up to a rumbling feeling. The building was shaking. She sat up and closed her eyes. She listened for anything. There were running footsteps. Someone busted into her room. It was Natasha and Clint.

"What are you doing here?" Jasmine asked as Natasha hugged her tightly.

"Helping you. Come on." She started to pull Jasmine out of the room but Jasmine stopped her.

"No, I don't want to." She deme ended what Loki had told her about them.

"What do you mean?" Clint asked.

"He's- He's nice to me and he cares." Jasmine whispered.

"Who? Loki? He doesn't give a shit about you, Jasmine." Natasha said.

"No, he does." Jasmine shook her head.

"I don't care what you want, come on!" She forced Jasmine out of her room. Steve threw her over his shoulder as they rushed back to the roof of the building.

"Let me go!" Jasmine screamed and kicked but Steve only let her go when they got on to the jet. "I don't want to go with you!"

"Too bad!" Natasha yelled back. Jasmine put her hands over her face.

I know this was a short chapter guys but just bare with me!!


Love you guys!!

<3 Kacey <3

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