I wish

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Jasmine was in a full fit of tears, sobbing her eyes out as she laid in her bed. The HYDRA agents and mutants left since Loki managed to complete his job. But in the following two days, Jasmine couldn't stop crying.

Jasmine couldn't handle it. Harry was such a good friend to her.

"Jazz, princess." Alex rubbed her hip, planting kisses on her hot forehead.

"I can't believe it, Alex. I-I didn't know. I'm so stupid." Jasmine kept her head in his chest.

"No you aren't, Jasmine. He's a fucking idiot for lying to you. I promise I'll kick his ass."

"No. Just stay with me. Don't leave me." Jasmine shook her head, clutching to his shirt with her fists tangled in the material.

"I won't, baby girl. I promise." Alex was feeling had because he was glad that Jasmine didn't like Harry now. Jasmine was all Alex's and he didn't have to share her.

"Jazz! Please open up!" Someone pounded on the door. It wasn't Harry, so Alex got up and opened the door. "Jasmine! Jasmine!"

"Zayn? What're you doing?" Jasmine rubbed her cheeks on the sleeve of her hoodie.

"Its Harry. Please. He needs you." Zayn grabbed Jasmine by her hands.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Alex shouted.

"Alex, its okay." Jasmine could sense the panic on Zayn's voice. "What's wrong with him?"

"He's dying, Jasmine."

"Take me to him." Jasmine said immediately.

"Right this way." Zayn guided her through the halls.

"How is he dying, Zayn?" Jasmine couldn't help but feel terrible since Harry was her closest friend.

"I'll let him tell you that, Jasmine." Zayn said. He pushed the doors to the room Harry stayed in open, pulling Jasmine into the room.

"Jazz! You came!" Harry wore his cheeky grin, though Jasmine could sense something was off.

"Of course I did." Jasmine whispered, stopping about ten feet from his bed.

"You can leave now, Malik." Harry said.

"Right." Zayn patted Jasmine's shoulder as he turned to leave.

"Jasmine. Please come here." Harry spoke quietly, his voice strained almost. He was laying on the bed

"Why should I, Harry? You used me as an assignment. I-I'm tired of being people's test subject for everything." Jasmine closed her eyes, feeling the few tears run down her cheeks.

"You weren't just an assignment for me, Jasmine. I-I've never been able to be me around anyone else. Please." Harry's hand suddenly touched her's and she flinched back.

When Jasmine opened her eyes, she saw he was now standing, shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips.

"Lay down, you idiot. You're sick, clearly." Jasmine put her hands on his chest and shoulder and pushed him towards the bed.

"Jazz. I'm not sick, I'm a dead man." Harry chuckled.

"No you're not. Don't say that. Every sickness has a cure, right?" Jasmine sat on the edge of his bed, holding both is his large hands between her smaller ones.

"No, Jazz. I-I can't find a way out of this." Harry shook his head. There was a while d silence was Jasmine studied his features.

"H-How much l-longer do you h-have?" Jasmine cried, brushing his curls off his forehead.

"I don't know, Jasmine. Please, please just lay with me." Harry scooted over, patting the bed space.

"Harry, I-I can't. I-I-I don't want to make Alex upset." Jasmine shook her head.

"Oh. I understand." Harry spoke quietly, laying his head back.

Jasmine nervously bit her bottom lip, debating whether she should lay with Harry in bed or not.

"Fine. I guess it won't hurt anything." Jasmine got into the bed beside Harry, putting an arm across his toned stomach. "What is it? Cancer?"

"No." Harry spoke softly, placing his face in her hair. "I wish it was, love. I wish it was."

I love it how my mother doesn't do anything when I say I want to go to a One Direction concert when they have a show closest to where I live but the second my sister mentions a Garth Brooks concert, its an automatic yes for her. 😑😭

Okay I am so so so so so sorry for not updating in a while! I'm sorry! I've been so busy and it's too much! But the next chapter will be longer and have more action!

And I'm going to start asking a question per chapter and I want you guys to comment the answer! (kind of like a question of the day(QOTD)

QOTD: Where are you from? AOTD: I'm from Virginia which is in America.

Keep voting and tell me what you like!

<3 Kacey <3

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