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Jasmine woke up that evening to an ache in her torso. She rolled over, off her belly, and on to her back.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Alex chuckled, standing from his position by her bed.

"What time is it?" Jasmine rubbed her eyes.

"Around six. You slept for a couple hours. When I came back, you were passed out and on your stomach, so I take it you're feeling better."

Jasmine remembered who had helped her to feel better and smiled faintly.

"It was a spur of the moment feeling I guess cause now it hurts." Jasmine sat up slowly, reaching up for the cup of orange juice Alex was handing her.

"You were cold too, your stomach was radiating coolness instead of heat. I called Banner in and he just said you probably put ice on it to help the pain." Alex sat beside her on the bed. "But I didn't give you any ice pack or anything unless you got it yourself." Alex knew Loki had been in Jasmine's room, Natasha had come by to check on Jasmine since there were readings of Loki on the Helicarrier's computer systems.

"I did." Jasmine nodded, not wanting to tell him about Loki.

"Then where is it now?" Alex asked softly, taking the cup from her and gently putting it on the table by her bed.

"I put it back." Jasmine whispered.

"Jazz. Don't lie to me, baby. How did you get that cold?"

"Its nothing important, Alex. Leave it be." Jasmine didn't want to get herself or Loki into trouble.

"Loki was on the ship, Jazz. I was worried about you when Natasha told me a few minutes before you woke up. She told me he had been in this room and I was praying to God that he didn't put you in another one of his stupid trances-"

"He's not that bad, Alex." Jasmine cut Alex off.

"Don't be so naive, Jasmine. Loki's one of the bad guys, not the good ones. He's a monster."

"He helped me when I was in pain and medicine wouldn't help. He said he was sorry for everything. He's capable of compassion just like anyone else, he's not a monster." Jasmine put her face in her hands as her eyes began to water.

"Jazz, baby girl. I didn't mean to make you cry. I just don't want you to get hurt by him again. Plus, you're my girl. I want to keep it that way, beautiful." Alex wrapped an arm around her softly and pulled her closer to him.

"You will, I just don't want to make everyone mad if I decide Loki's okay enough to be a friend." Jasmine lifted her face from her hands, brushing her blonde hair back.

"You'd- Jasmine, you'd leave me for Loki?" Alex whispered.

"No! Never, Alex! Why would you think that!" Jasmine raised her voice, irritated with the situation.

"I thought that's what you just said, Jazz."

"No, I said if I decided Loki's good enough to be a friend. I don't want to be with him like that. I want to be with you." Jasmine looked up into his blue eyes.

"Good. I love you." Alex leaned over and kissed Jasmine's lips softly.

"I love you." She giggled and held his hand tightly in her's. "I want to go back to the school, Alex. I liked it there." Jasmine spoke softly as they held their foreheads together.

"You have to stay near a doctor though, Jazz. We can once you get healed up a little more." Alex nodded.

"Alex, you can't tell anyone that Loki was in here." Jasmine whispered, looking into his eyes.

"Everyone already knows. The computers went off when he first appeared here. They know when Loki's on the Carrier."

"Oh." Jasmine stood up and brushed her blonde hair back. Natasha swung the door open, making Alex jump to his feet and Jasmine to tense up.

"We need to get you to the school, now." She began to pack a duffle bag full of Jasmine's clothing.

"What? Why?" Jasmine asked, holding on to Alex tightly as her head began to spin.

"HYDRA's been seen around here in their planes and jets. We're sending out seventy eight different jets filled with no one but the pilots and you're going to be in one of them. We're distracting HYDRA, giving them too many jets to follow. So they'll be confused." Natasha explained as she threw an outfit to Jasmine. "Alex, stay with her and get on jet 21626-ZF when she's done getting dressed and don't let anyone get to her or I will cut both of your hands off." Natasha threatened before leaving.

"Don't listen to her, Alex." Jasmine sighed and went to the bathroom.

"Do you need me to help you change?" Alex questioned from the other side of the door.

"No, I think I can get it." Jasmine shook her head.

I know this was a short chapter but just hang with me!!

I love y'all!!

And hey. . . If anyone is a Directioner on this, you should check out my Harry Styles fan fiction. . .

I love you.

Lol ❤️❤️

<3 Kacey <3

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