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Jasmine landed roughly on her stomach, a couple dozen feet from Harry or Alex.

With a strangled grunt, Jasmine got up on to her knees. Looking around at the deck, there was nothing but violence and blood.

"Jasmine!" Alex jumped up and ran over to Jasmine, helping her to her feet. Harry got up, feeling something crack in his left shoulder.

"Wonderful." Harry mumbled, then looked for Jasmine.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Jasmine asked when Harry got to her.

"Yeah. I think I dislocated my shoulder." Harry grunted as he rotated his arm in a full circle. "We need to get you back into the Carrier, Jazz."

"No. We need to help them." Jasmine shook her head, turning to look at the agents who were sacrificing so much for her safety.

"Jasmine, sweetie, they'll be fine." Alex put an arm around her.

"No they won't, Alex. Who ever looses their life tonight. . . It'll be my fault. We need to help them." Jasmine felt her eyes water. She gasped and jumped a little when she saw two agents drop to the ground. "If I only knew how to use my freaking powers!" Jasmine balled her hands up and put the bottom of her palms against her forehead.

"Jasmine. That won't anything now." Harry was picking off HYDRA agents who weren't watching them, successfully hitting seven of them.

"Alex, go help them. You can help." Jasmine put a hand on Alex's shoulder, trying to push him towards everyone else.

"No way, Jazz. I'm staying with you." Alex shook his head.

"Harry can stay with me. Go, Alex!" Jasmine more forcefully pushed Alex away. He sighed and walked back to her, pulling her close to him to show Harry Jasmine belonged to him.

"I love you, just remember that." Alex kissed her lips quickly before jogging off, unwillingly.

"Come on, Jasmine" Harry took Jasmine's hand and led her back into the Carrier.

"Where are we going?" Jasmine asked as Harry pulled her in front of him.

"Stay close to me and if I say duck, duck." Harry kept her close, keeping his gun ready to shoot.

They rushed through the empty halls, only to come to a dead end.

"Shit." Harry cursed and turned around but the two were stopped when two HYDRA agents came around the corner. Harry pushed Jasmine behind him and shot the two before they could hurt either of them. "Come on."

The two took off in a half jog again. This time, they made it back to the deck.

"Jasmine!" Harry saw an agent hold his gun to Jasmine. He pushed Jasmine out of the way just as the person pulled the trigger.

Jasmine fell to the ground, her head swung back to see why Harry had pushed her. Her vision was blocked a little by her flying blonde hair. But what she saw next made a blood curdling scream escape her lips.

The bullet pierced Harry's side, another bullet lodged in his chest.

"HARRY!" Jasmine screamed. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The HYDRA agents stopped along with the X-Men and Avengers.

Jasmine rushed over to Harry, falling to her knees beside the collapsed SHIELD agent.

The fight continued, the HYDRA agents didn't care that a SHIELD agent had fallen.

"Harry! Look at me! Don't close your eyes." Jasmine put his head in her lap, brushing his curls back.

"Jazz. It's okay." Harry's voice was unusually raspy, his eyes fluttered shut but he opened them again and looked into Jasmine's eyes.

"Harry. Please don't leave me. Please. I-I need to know you're okay." Jasmine's eyes were watering as she whispered to him.

"Jasmine. This is going to sound cliche, but I'm cold." Harry breathing was starting to become shallow. Blood was coming out of the wound on the right side of his chest and his side. Jasmine didn't care though. She wanted her friend to be safe.

"No, don't you dare say that. I'll get Banner- He'll know what to do." Jasmine's hands were shaking as she caressed his head in her lap, brushing her fingers over his head.

"Jasmine. He's not Doctor Banner anymore. He's the Hulk. He's no help in th-" Harry stopped to let out a violent cough.

"I'm not letting you go, Harry. You're my friend. Please don't leave." Jasmine cried, taking off her jacket so she could put it over his wounded chest to try to stop the bleeding.

"Take this, Jazz." Harry's shaking hands went around to his necklace, he unhooked it and gave it to Jasmine. Jasmine took the necklace in her fingers, looking down at the airplane necklace.

Harry's eyes closed, his breathing was shallow, barely noticeable.

"Harry, no." Jasmine squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the fighting noises around her.

So yeah. That was an update. what do you think will happen?

So I'm thinking about having Jasmine come out with this totally awesome new power that she never knew she had.... I just need to think of a super power. Feel free to comment to help me!!

<3 Kacey <3

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