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Jasmine's eyes never left her newborn son's precious face. Her excellent hearing allowed Jasmine listened to the steady beating of the newborn's heart.

She never wanted to protect someone as bad as she wanted to protect Tellan. Sure she wanted to protect the Avengers and X-Men, her 'adopted' family, but not nearly as much as her need to keep Tellan from danger and harm.

Whether it be a tiny stomach ache or diaper rash to enemies as big and as dangerous as the mutant army and Hydra, Jasmine knew her life had only one meaning now: to keep baby Tellan from any danger.

"He's going to be okay, Jasmine." Alex repeated for probably the thousandth time. Jasmine knew he was speaking to her but neglected to respond to him. "Jasmine, please answer me." Alex pressed calming kisses to Jasmine's cheek, jawbone, and the side of her neck, desperate to get any sort of reply from the new mother.

She was being so still and her breathing was slow and shallow.

As if Tellan could sense his father's fear for Jasmine, his blue eyes fluttered open. A yawn passed the newborn's pink lips and his tiny hands curled into tiny fists.

Jasmine couldn't help but smile. Moving for the first time in a few hours, she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"My baby." She barely whispered, though Alex heard her. He smiled himself as he watched Jasmine gently stroke the pad of her thumb over the back of Tellan's hand, his fingers clasping around her index finger. "I love you." Jasmine spoke to Alex this time, lifting her head to meet his eyes. Her own deep blue eyes signified she was calm.

"I love you." Alex kissed her soft lips, loving the way she smiled into the kiss.

"We've come along way, haven't we?" Jasmine asked.

"You've come a very, very long way." Alex rubbed soothing circles on Jasmine hip. "You used to be so quiet and broken. You've been through hell and back. But you are, by far, the strongest person I know."

Jasmine leaned into Alex's arms, allowing herself to relax her tense muscles.

The repetitive him of the Quinjet's wings and engine soothed Jasmine, as odd as it sounded.

"Alex. I'm tired of running." Jasmine's voice was so quiet Alex barely heard her.

"What do you mean, baby?" Alex crinkled his blonde eyebrows at his lover. Jasmine's bottom lip was tucking between her teeth.

"From the day I found out I have superpowers, I've been terrified of them. I need to learn to use them so I can help defeat them once and for all. I can help if I learn to use them."

"Jazz... I hate to tell you this but I don't want you to do anything that could risk your life. If I don't make it, who'll watch Tellan?"

"Don't talk like that." Jasmine's eyes immediately found his blue ones. "Don't you dare say that. You have to."

"I know, honey, and I plan on living but things don't always go as planned."

"Harry." Jasmine whispered. He was the one flying the Quinjet, but he was giving the new family time to talk. "Harry can watch Tellan while we're fighting. He has to. I know he's a SHIELD agent but he can watch Tellan, get him as far away as possible. I am helping whether you want me to or not, Alex. It's not about my safety anymore. Hundreds of SHIELD agents have put their lives on the line for me. I want to help."

"Jazz. I don't..." Alex trailed off, shaking his head. "You need practice. If you try to use your powers and you can't control them-"

"Stop it, Alex." Jasmine snapped, standing up to go to Harry. She sat in the co-pilot seat and looked out over the clouds.

"Jasmine, he's right-"

"Harry." Jasmine shook her head, looking back down at Tellan. "If I'm as powerful as everyone says, I need to help. It's not fair."

"You need training, Jasmine. I'm not turning this Quinjet around to let an untrained, new mother try to fight some of the most deadly people on the planet. This isn't the final battle. From what I'm being told, only pawns were sent as a distraction. We'll be heading to Stark Tower in a few hours once everyone's sure no Hydra agents or mutants are around."

Jasmine nodded and leaned back in the seat, gently rocking Tellan back and forth.


Natasha was currently feeding baby Tellan. Jasmine stood near the windows of Stark Tower.

The Avengers and X-Men had few scratches on them but they were worn out, so they were lounging around the penthouse of the Tower.

"Explain to them what you wanna do, Jazz." Alex said. He was standing behind Natasha, watching his baby son from over her shoulder with his arms crossed.

"No." Jasmine whispered.

"Tell them." Alex repeated. The two weren't on very good terms because Jasmine could be stubborn and Alex was overprotective.

"I just want to help the only freaking family I know, Alex. Is that so bad? Is it wrong for me to want to protect the only people who have every showed me compassion and mercy?" Jasmine whirled around to face Alex, glaring at him from across the room.

"It's too dangerous." Logan said.

"But if she trains, she can fight with us." Steve countered, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"She cannot be trained in less than a week to fight the mutants and Hydra." Thor shook his head.

"If I work hard enough, I can." Jasmine ran her fingers through her hair. "I've already thought it over a billion times. Harry and Agent Tomlinson can take Tellan far away from the fight so there's no chance he'll be hurt. I want to help, okay? For the past, what? Almost year, I've been kept away from the fights or wounded in them. I need to be able to help. Please. Just teach me, have patience with me. I can learn." Jasmine was speaking quietly, but everyone heard her. Her eyes watered as she looked around the room. Her eyes rested on Tellan.

"You know, I never thought I could love somebody more than you, Alex." Jasmine spoke after a while of silence, a tear dramatically running down her cheek as she looked up to Alex. "But I do. And he's what we created out of love. I want to protect him. That means protecting myself and in the long running, potentially getting myself hurt or worst. But if he knows that his mother died for him, he will be so proud. He won't think I was a coward who let others put their lives on the line for me. I'm sick and tired of letting my family put themselves in harm's way to save me. I-I love all of you, okay? I'm going to admit it. I love you guys. You are my only family. I have this burning desire to save you guys. And whether you want me to or not, I will fight the enemy." Jasmine took a shaky deep breath and exhaled slowly. "So if you're willing to help me train, thank you. And if you aren't... it won't change what I have to do."

Everyone remained silent for a while, letting Jasmine's speech sink in.

"I'll help you." Natasha said, earning a soft smile from Jasmine.

"Me too." Storm nodded in agreement.

Pretty soon, everyone was agreeing to help Jasmine, everyone except for Alex.

"When do we get started?" Jasmine questioned, anxiously.

"Right now." Natasha stood up and handed the baby to his father. "Let's go to the training room."


I won't say anything but I will say that I may or may not be working on a Pietro fan fiction already.... I'm screwed for life. Lol his abs are just beautiful and its so sad but I won't say anything and please don't comment spoilers or anything!!

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<3 Kacey <3

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