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When the lights came back on, Director Fury had every agent search for Jasmine. She was missing.

"I thought I told you to stay with her, Captain." Fury grumbled as he rushed around the carrier with the Avengers and X-Men behind him.

"I was with her but then the lights went out and the carried tipped and I lost her." Steve muttered, mad at himself that he lost Jasmine and someone took her.

"Who attacked the my ship, Romanoff?" Fury demanded.

"HYDRA, sir." Natasha replied.

"Have all of our computers and agents look for Jasmine." Fury barked orders as he stopped in the HQ of the carrier, where Hill was directing agents as well.

At the warehouse, Jasmine was just waking up from being put on medicine.

"Barnes? Bring me the antidote up in my office." Doctor Michael Williams said to Bucky Barnes, who was standing in the room along with Alexander Pierce. He was the same doctor who worked on Barnes's metal arm.

Barnes nodded before going up to the office and getting the antidote.

"Who are you?" Jasmine asked, starting to sit up but the restrains on her wrists, ankles, and torso made her stop. "Why am I tied to th-" She stopped when she realized where she was and who the men were.

She had seen them before but she didn't know all of their names.

"Please don't hurt me." Jasmine whispered, her voice cracking as her red eyes watered.

"Write down that when subject's eyes turn red, the subject is scared." Williams said over his shoulder to Pierce, who was writing things down.

"Please don't hurt me. I didn't do anything to you." Jasmine put her head back as she began to cry.

Barnes walked back down to the room, giving the bottle of antidote to Williams.

"Why is she crying?" Barnes asked Pierce quietly.

"Overreacting." Pierce shook his head. "Nothing you need to worry about, Barnes."

"Please. I didn't do anything-" Jasmine stopped when Williams stuck a needle in her arm.

The liquid started to burn her.

The straps broke, allowing Jasmine to sit up and pull the needle out of her. She looked into the eyes of Williams. Her eyes began to turn gray, the whole eye, not just her irises.

When Williams started to scream, Pierce and Barnes rushed out of the room.

Williams couldn't move, his body froze up as he began to feel pain erupting in his body.

This continued until Jasmine took a gun off of the stand without thinking and shot Williams. The noise of the gun knocked her back to reality. Her eyes turned red from the sound of the gun.

Jasmine noticed that she had shot someone and killed him.

"On my god." She whispered, taking a step back. She didn't know Barnes was standing in the doorway of the room until he moved.

Jasmine gasped and held her arms tightly around her torso.

"I-I didn't mean to kill him. I'm so- I'm so sorry." She sobbed, falling to her knees.

Barnes wanted to do something, but he didn't. He couldn't. He wasn't allowed to talk or touch Operation Animal under any circumstance. But she looked in pain.

The antidote in her was burning her body.

"Bucky!" Someone barked, making Barnes look away from Jasmine.

I am Operation Animal (X-Men / Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now