Good News

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About six hours later, the jet was still going.

"Hey, guys? We're landing on another SHIELD agent's plane, is that okay?" Natasha asked, mainly towards Jasmine. Jasmine nodded, then looked back at her hands.

Agent Phil Coulson greeted Natasha, Barton, Logan, and Jasmine once they got on to his plane.

"Jasmine? This is Agent Phil Coulson, Grant Ward, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, and Skye." Natasha introduced Coulson's crew to Jasmine, who remained quiet.

"Does she talk?" Ward asked.

"Yeah. She's just shy." Barton nodded. Everyone settled around the living room area. Jasmine sat beside Logan on the couch.

"Fury said the Helicarrier was being attacked?" Coulson asked.

"Loki and Magneto attacked the Carrier looking for Jasmine." Natasha nodded.

"Why Jasmine?" Skye asked.

"Because she.... She has something that we think is very valuable." When Natasha said 'valuable', Jasmine flinched. Everyone noticed, which caused their eyes to stop on Jasmine.

"Why are your eyes like that?" Fitz asked out of curiosity.

"Because of what they did to me." Jasmine replied in a quiet voice.

"Who?" Simmons asked.

"I-I don't know." She shrugged.

Just then, Natasha's phone rang.

"Agent Romanoff?..... Yes sir..... Okay then." Natasha sighed, putting her phone away.

"Okay then what?" Coulson asked.

"Director Fury wants Barton, Logan, and myself to report back to the Helicarrier to help. He said to leave Jasmine with you and your team, Coulson." Natasha replied. Barton stood up with Natasha by his side. Logan hesitated before standing up. Jasmine sat up straight, putting her hands beside her legs as if she was unsure about being left with an unfamiliar group.

Her eyes skipped from Natasha's green eyes, to Logan's dark eyes.

"We'll come back for you once its safe, Jasmine." Natasha noticed the slight sudden panic in Jasmine's dark green eyes.

"O-okay." Jasmine nodded.

Logan didn't want to leave Jasmine, for some reason. But he knew he had to.

Once the three left, Jasmine waited to hear the sounds of their jet disappear into the air. And once that happened, she sat back, bringing her hands to her lap.

"Where are you from, Jasmine?" Skye asked softly, noticing how frightened she looked.

"I don't know." Jasmine looked down to her hands.

"Are you telling me you don't know where you're from?" Ward asked.

"I don't know where I'm from, who my family is, or what my last name is." Jasmine confessed.

"What happened to you?" Simmons asked softly.

"I don't. I honestly have no idea what anyone's done to me." Jasmine leaned foreword, putting her hands over her face and her elbows on knees.

"Ward, May. Out." Coulson whispered, knowing those were his two agents who weren't so kind. Ward sighed as he left but May stayed quiet as she walked ahead of Ward. Skye moved over to sit beside Jasmine, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"It's okay, Jasmine. I don't know my last name, where I'm from, or who my family is." Skye softly whispered. Jasmine shook her head, crying quietly. No one knew what to do. They knew nothing about Jasmine.

Coulson had requested Jasmine's file since she would be staying on his plane for a while. The file finally sent through a few hours later. He and his team gathered in one of the rooms away from Jasmine, who was sleeping in Skye's room.

"Operation Animal?" May repeated the name on the front of the holographic file.

The team read through her file, until they knew a little more about her.

"She's had needles stuck into her since she was eight." Skye shook her head.

"There's no telling what she's capable of with 30% of her cerebral capacity." Ward said.

"She's completely harmless though." Simmons shook her head.

"Yeah but, Jemma. She could be a danger if she realizes that she's able to do supernatural things." Fitz objected.

"What do we do with her, Coulson?" May asked.

"Treat her as a guest, a friend. She needs one with what she's been through. I don't want anyone to hurt her." Coulson's eyes focused in on May, who huffed and rolled her eyes. "I want Skye and Fitz-Simmons to help Jasmine with anything she needs."

"Why not me?" Ward asked.

"You aren't exactly 'friend' type, Ward." Skye grinned.

"I'll be talking with Fury with what to do with Jasmine and all during her stay here. For now.... do whatever." Coulson went off to his office and May went back to piloting, leaving Skye, Ward, and Fitz-Simmons.

"Aren't any of you edgy with what this girl could do?" Fitz asked.

"Not really." Skye shook her head while Ward shrugged.

"You saw the way she bursted into tears when we just asked her questions, Fitz. She's soft and sensitive about what is said around her." Simmons put a hand on her best friend's shoulder.

"I'll go see if she's awake." Skye headed back to her room. Jasmine was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. She jumped when the door opened. "Hey, Jasmine? Wanna come out here with us?"

"I guess." Jasmine nodded as she got up. She followed Skye out to where everyone was, in the living room area again. Jasmine sat with her hands under her thighs. May was even in the living room.

"So have you met all the Avengers and the X-Men?" Skye asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah." Jasmine nodded.

"Do you think of them are cute?" Skye raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, not really." Jasmine shrugged, her cheeks blushing as she smiled.

"Not even Thor? He's pretty hot." Skye nodded.

"He's not that hot." Ward shook his head.

"Oh yes he is." May nodded. Jasmine giggled.

"What about that Logan? He's seems pretty cute." Skye nudged Jasmine's shoulder.

"He's nice." Jasmine shrugged.

"He doesn't look nice." Simmons shook her head. Coulson's phone rang.

"Excuse me." He got up and walked back to his office to take the call from Fury.

"I wonder hat that's about." Skye mumbled. Coulson came back moments later.

"Good news, Jasmine. Romanoff and Logan are coming back to get you." Coulson smiled softly at Jasmine, who nodded.

I am Operation Animal (X-Men / Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now