The Code

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Jasmine woke up in her bed. The lights were out completely and she could hear the sounds of agents and other walking up and down the steel hallways.

She sat up on the edge of her bed, her feet hitting the cold floor. Jasmine brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. The cat like pupils opened to wider slits, allowing her to see in the dark. The room looked familiar. Different numbers and letters, a code almost, kept flashing through her head, making her head ache. The walls were completely made of steel and Jasmine walked over to one of the walls.

She ran her finger nail over it roughly, engraving the code in the wall. Her nails had been changed, just as her body had, and her nails effortlessly carved through the steel. Jasmine had to blink a few times before she could get the code out of her mind.

Jasmine walked back over to her bed and sat down.

Her breath hitched in her throat when the door opened, scaring the daylights out of her. A bright light filled the room, blinding Jasmine for a moment.

"You're awake, Jasmine." Logan smiled.

"Logan!" Jasmine had forgotten she had been saved by them just hours ago. She threw her arms around him and took in his decent smell. "Thank you so much."

"Any time, Jazz." Logan chuckled, sitting on the eye of the bed beside her. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than when I had those needles hooked to me." Jasmine crossed her arms and sat on her knees. "Logan? Why does HYDRA think I'm special? Why do they keep putting stuff into me?"

"HYDRA thinks its okay to experiment on humans. But its not, Jazz. And you are special." Logan put his hand on her knee.

"I don't feel like it, though, Logan. Everyone is fighting over me, putting their lives on the line for me and I feel like I'm a headache for everyone." Jasmine put her hands over her face and hung her head.

"We're fighting for you because you deserve to have someone on your side to help you when you need it, Jazz. I'm fighting for you because I care about you." Logan gently moved her hands from her face and made Jasmine look him in the eyes.

"You do?" She whispered, her green eyes shifting from looking into his left eye, then his right, like she didn't know which eye to look at.

"Of course." Logan nodded and pressed his lips to her's. Jasmine was shocked and quite surprised at first, but then she gladly kissed him back.

I know this was a super duper short chapter but I promise the next one will be longer and you'll love it!!

And I was evil so I left you with that. MWAHAHAHAHA!! 😈😈

P.S. The code will be mentioned in the next few chapters!!

P.P.S. Comment and vote!! I love your guys' comments!! <3

Lol I love you guys!!

<3 Kacey <3

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