Kissing Session ;)

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Jasmine was currently in her room, sitting against the wall on the other side of her bed. Her knees were slightly bent as she messed with her fingers in her lap. The door opened, making Jasmine jump slightly at the loud sound.

"Jasmine, baby girl. Please let me apologize. I was stupid and I wasn't thinking." Alex closed the door behind him.

"I don't want to hear your excuse for yelling at me, Alex. Go away." Jasmine put her hands over her face, her elbows resting on her knees.

"Then just please don't go to the Fridge. I won't be able to see you and I don't want that." Alex sat on the bed in front of Jasmine, watching intently as she dropped her hands from her face.

"Alex. I'd rather be in the Fridge where I'm alone than be here where everyone hates me. Natasha doesn't talk to me at all, Clint won't even look at me and when he does, he looks at me with hateful eyes, and when Bruce or Tony or Steve look at me, there's nothing but disappointment in their eyes. And I see the way you've been looking at me, Alex, like I've done something to hurt you. I just don't like it when people are upset and mad at me." Jasmine shook her head as began to cry.

"Jasmine. I-I never meant to say that. I didn't mean anything. I'm just scared, Jazz. I'm scared that you'll leave me for someone else and they won't protect you as much as I try and you'll end up dead. I don't want to loose you, baby girl." Alex's voice cracked as his eyes watered. "I love you, Jasmine."

"Alex, you stupid boy." Jasmine shook her head as she got up on her knees between Alex's thighs. She cupped his face in her hands and pressed their lips together. "I love you too. But sometimes I need space to breath. Being surrounded by people who want to keep me in a confined area can be annoying. And Loki won't hurt me. He's helping me, Alex."

"I know, Jazz baby. I just don't want Victor or anyone to get to you again." Alex kissed Jasmine again, this time their lips stayed together longer.

Jasmine stood up, pressing her hands to Alex's shoulders as she pushed him back on the bed. Never once did they let go of each others' lips.

Alex turned Jasmine over so she was on her back and began to kiss down her jaw. There was more passion, more love enforced to the kiss from both. The heat between the two grew and grew as they continued their kissing session.

"Jasmine. Baby." Alex broke the kiss, remembering her wounded stomach. "Baby girl. Are you feeling okay?"

"Of course. What do you mean?" Jasmine asked, looking into Alex's blue eyes.

"I don't want to hurt your belly or anything. And if you think I'm pushing you, just stop me."

"Its okay, Alex." Jasmine shook her head, running her hand up and down Alex's bicep.

"I think we should wait for this, Jazz. Wait until everyone settles down with you." Alex knew where the kissing would lead with the amount of force and desire between the two.

"Okay." Jasmine nodded.

"You need to get some sleep."

"I won't be able to. You can, but I think I'm just going to stay awake." Jasmine shook her head.

"Why?" Alex stood up and pulled Jasmine into a standing position.

"Because it hurts, my scars. They hurt a lot. Its aching from the way I've been sitting." Jasmine shrugged, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"Come on. We can have Banner put some medicine in you." Alex began to walk towards the door when Jasmine grasped his arm.

"Please don't, Alex. Everyone's mad at me. I'll be fine." Jasmine closed her eyes as her head begun to spin from lack of blood flow.

"Jazz, its just Banner. He'd be happy to help you."

"No, Alex. Everyone thinks I'm betraying them, that I'm choosing Loki. But I'm not. And I don't want them to think I'm whinny. Please. Just lay down with me." Jasmine sat on the edge of her bed, exhaling slowly because of her sensitive stomach.

"Baby girl." Alex sighed.

"Please, Alex." Jasmine's eyes were watering, which made Alex feel bad.

"Okay. Just tell me if anything hurts." Alex took his shirt off and got into bed with Jasmine.

Jasmine put her back to Alex, but held his hand as she closed her eyes. Alex put his face in the crook of Jasmine's neck, taking in her sweet smell.

Guys!! I need more comments!! Just two or three isn't enough, though I appreciate those of you who did comment. But I need at least ten comments on whether or not to do a sexual scene or have it at the end of the chapter!!! Now that's a low number because I have 25k reads so I need at least ten comments my loves!!

And comment what you like from Alex and Jasmine's relationship!!

<3 Kacey <3

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