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Jasmine's mind was running a thousand miles an hour, her heart was fluttering like a humming bird's wings, and her lips only kissed Logan that much more. His hand went to rest on her hip, pulled Jasmine's body closer to his. One of her little hands went to his shoulder, then to the crook of his neck.

But then when she could finally think straight, Jasmine broke the kiss. She was suddenly away from Logan, standing on the other side of the room. There was a light breeze that had just swept through the room at the time she had moved so quickly.

"I-I can't be kissing you. Logan, you're my friend. It's not right, its-"

"Its okay, Jasmine." Logan stood up and started to walk towards her but when she held her hand up for him to stop, he found himself unable to move at all.

"Don't please." Jasmine's soft voice cracked, her hand fell to her side. Logan found the ability to move but didn't. She stopped him just by putting her hand up.

"Jazz, honey its okay. We could be more than friends." Logan took a few more steps to her.

"No, we can't. Because I'll only hurt you." Jasmine brought her hands tightly to her chest as she slid down against the wall. Logan knelt down in front of her, gently forcing her to look into his eyes.

"I'll be fine, Jazz. Don't cry, please." Logan wiped a stray tear from her cheek with his thumb.

"What will everyone else say?" Jasmine whispered.

"I don't know. But we don't have to tell anyone else." He murmured.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Come on. I came to get you up and take you to the conference room. Fury wants to talk to you." Logan stood up and held his hand down for her. Jasmine wiped her cheeks and took his large hand to stand up.

Jasmine sat with her knees to her chest in one of the empty chairs. Her arms were hanging over the back of the chair, her hands dangling down the back. She was still so tired from everything, all the stress, all the crying, all the problems. Everything.

The Avengers and X-Men sat around the room, exchanging glances and waiting for Fury.

Jasmine's eyes would start to slowly close, but either Natasha or Steve would nudge her chair with their foot, causing her to wake up.

When the heavy door slammed close, Jasmine gasped and opened her green eyes, looking to were Fury had walked in.

"Jasmine? Did anyone say their name or anything?" Fury asked, sitting across from Jasmine at the table. Jasmine brought her arms to her chest, crossing them tightly.

"James Barnes." She whispered. Steve jumped to his feet.

"I told you, Nick!"

"Calm down, Mr. Rogers." Fury nodded. Steve hesitated before sitting back down. "Anyone else's name, Jasmine?"

"James was calling the one guy Pierce." Jasmine nodded.

"Pierce? Alexander Pierce?" Barton asked.

"I don't know. Nobody said the first name." Jasmine shrugged.

"Bring up a picture of Pierce, Romanoff." Fury said. Natasha nodded and searched the computer for a picture of Alexander Pierce.

"Here's Alexander Pierce." When Natasha turned the laptop around for Jasmine, Jasmine jumped to her feet and stepped back.

"That's him." Her voice was just barely a whisper, her color went white and her heart rate picked up.

"But it can't be." Steve shook his head. "Pierce works for SHIELD."

"She just identified his picture, Cap." Banner sighed.

"Jasmine?" Storm put her hand on Jasmine's shoulder.

"Pierce works for SHIELD?" Jasmine's eyes turned red. She was terrified of the thought of the ones who she thought were her friends could be enemies instead.

"Yeah." Tony nodded. Jasmine shook her head and at inhuman-like speed, she was out of the room.

"Jasmine!" Storm, Logan, Steve, and Peter followed behind her.

Jasmine slammed her room door shut.

"Jasmine? Open the door." Steve knocked on her bedroom door.

"How do I-I know you guys aren't- aren't lying to me?" Jasmine sobbed, sliding down against the door. Tears streamed down her red cheeks as she cried.

"You can trust us, Jasmine, honey." Storm put her hand on the door, hoping it would open.

"Jasmine, you can trust us." Peter knocked on the door again.

"I don't know anymore." Jasmine sobbed quietly, putting her head between her knees.

They tried for an hour to get Jasmine to open the door. Kitty offered to go through the wall but Fury said she needed her space.

They all walked back to the conference room and sat around the room.

"We can't just barge into Pierce's office, Nat." Barton shook his head. The Widow was pacing the room, her left hand was in her hair, on the back of her head.

"He's a top secretary for SHIELD." Steve agreed with Barton.

"Fuck SHIELD, I'm about four seconds away from going into his office and slashing his throat." Logan had his hands held in tight fists by his side.

"The Professor wouldn't want us to do that, Logan." Kitty said quietly. Logan ignored her and put his head back, against the wall.

"How would you plan on getting in there anyways? There's retinal scans to get into his office." Banner said.

"Easy. Tin Man would break through all the walls and I'd take out anybody who tries to stop me." Logan brought one fist up and let his three, long claws come out.

"I'm calling a meeting with the World Security Council. I want all of you on stand by and not to attack Pierce without my consultation, Mr. Howlett." Fury's eye looked to Logan as he said his name. "Stark? How soon could you have your jet here?"

"How soon do you need it?"

"Two minutes."

"Then it'll be here in two minutes. Why?" Tony asked.

"I want all of you on it and headed for the Fridge." Fury replied.

"The Fridge?" Bobby repeated.

"Its worst than it sounds." Barton nodded.

"Keep Jasmine away from any of the prisoners there and keep her in a safe room." Fury ordered before leaving the room.

I know the Fridge is for top secret stuff but the next chapter will be with the X-Men and Avengers there and if you don't watch the Agents of SHIELD show, google 'The Fridge in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD' and look at how rad the Fridge is!!

<3 Kacey <3

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