Jasmine's POV

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The feeling of someone moving beneath me, woke me up fully. I pushed myself off of the body, pressing my hands to his chest.

But I began to settle down when I realized it was only Alex.

"Jasmine? You okay?" His soft blue eyes opened slightly as he felt me push off him.

"Oh, yeah." I nodded. "Do you want me to move? I don't want to hurt you."

"You're just fine, Jazz." He leaned up and kissed my lips, making my heart flutter as he always did. Alex laid back and kept his arms around my waist.

I eased up and laid down on his chest, feeling his body rise and fall as he breathed slowly.

No one had ever made me feel how Alex did. Logan was sweet and kind but then there was Loki...

I truly thought he cared about me. He was so sweet and his touch was so full of passion, something no one had ever given me before I met Alex.

But without a doubt, Alex was the one I knew I cared about more.

He made me feel like we were the only two people in the world, like no one else was around.

The way he makes an effort to make me blush, to make me giggle...

I watched as he slept, sliding my body off to the side, though I still half laid on his side.

He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. His eyelashes brushed against his cheeks, his lips slightly parted as he slept.

My mind wondered as he slept.

I wonder if Logan's okay...

Before I met any of the X-Men or the Avengers, my life was like a nightmare.

I remember sitting in the dark, cement room with one window that was just a square with bars, allowing the heat, the chilling winds, or even snow in when the weather varied. In my dark corner I always stayed in, the sun would hit me just enough to make me feel the heat rays. Sometimes, they would chain me to the wall. The cuffs would rub raw spots on my wrists. I remember the feeling of emptiness, of loneliness, and of the sheer need of someone to save me.

I don't know what I ever did to deserve anything like this, all the pain, all the rejection, all the betrayals. But I didn't think I deserved it. I would never hurt anyone on purpose.

But the thoughts of my past subsided when the thoughts of my future came forth in my mind.

Alex wanted to have a family with me? That means we'd have to... do it... I'm not sure that I'd want anyone to see me cloth-less...

But having a baby would be amazing, someone who I know would never leave me. My own little bundle of joy...

Delight filled my senses and I giggled to myself, thinking of being a mother.

I curled up closer to Alex, holding his shirt in a tight fist.

"What on earth are you doing, Jasmine?" Alex chuckled, his head turned to me.

"I'm thinking about some things." I put my cheek on his chest and closed my eyes.

"About what?"

"Just everything."

"Are you feeling okay?"


"Why are you curled so close to me?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. I can move." I started to scoot off Alex but he stopped me.

"No, I like having you close to me." Alex gripped my hip, holding me closer to him. "I just wanted to know. You normally aren't this cuddly."

"I'm just thinking." I took his hand and kissed the palm of it. "Alex? Were you being honest when you said you'd have a baby with me?"

"Of course, Jasmine. I'd never lie to you." Alex nodded, his blue eyes shined as he looked down to me.

"It just seems like... I just..." I couldn't figure out what to say or how to word my feelings. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to settle down, Alex."

"You will be able to, Jasmine. And when that time comes, I'll keep you safe." He kissed my forehead. "Trust me?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

And chapter 40!!

I know the past 2 chapters haven't really been about anyone else but Alex and Jasmine but I'm trying to think of a way to make the twist....

Do you guys like this chapter??


<3 Kacey <3

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