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"I've never been to Miami before." Jasmine glanced out the window of the plane.

There were normal people on the plane, humans. Fury thought it would look better if they were undercover fully.

"I have. Family vacation. Scott broke the house." Alex mumbled under his breath. Jasmine glanced over at Alex, confused at first. "He was just getting used to his mutation." Jasmine giggled a little, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Tony says it doesn't snow for Christmas."

"It does." Alex agreed, rubbing her knee. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah. My stomach hurts."

"That's why I told you to eat before we left."

"I did. But apparently it wasn't enough for the baby." Jasmine smiled softly as she looked down at her belly.

"I can't wait for it." Alex leaned over and kissed Jasmine's lips.

"I can't either." Jasmine nodded. "Where are we staying at?"

"A private villa on the coast. You can thank SHIELD for that."

"It'll be good to swim." Jasmine nodded.

"I'd love to see the bikinis Kitty packed for you." Alex winked. Jasmine only blushed, looking out the window as Alex kissed the top of her hand.

"It seems like forever ago I was in that warehouse." She whispered, beginning to think how her life had changed rapidly in the last few months, almost a year even.

"I remember when I first laid eyes on you. You were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."

"You almost got in trouble for beating that kid up."

"Carter's always been a bully to the newbies." Alex shrugged. "Besides, I won't let anyone mess with you."

"You're so sweet." Jasmine giggled, brushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ears.

As they walked off the plane and into the airport, Alex held Jasmine close. Jasmine was wearing sunglasses so no one would see her eyes.

"Tellan!" Jasmine exclaimed. "That's a beautiful name for a boy, isn't it? And his nickname could be Trey?"

Alex started laughing a bit at Jasmine's sudden excitement.

"That would be perfect." Alex put their bags down on the floor as they waited in line for something to eat.

"I was talking to Harry and I want a name for a strong boy or girl. Tellan sounds strong. But so does Rome."

"No way, babe. We aren't naming our kid after a city in Italy." Alex leaned over and kissed Jasmine's lips.

"I want to go to Italy. I've heard its nice."

"Maybe our honeymoon."

"Honeymoon?" Jasmine repeated.


"But isn't that for people who get married?"

"I plan on making your Mrs. Jasmine Summers one day, ya know." Alex wrapped his arms around Jasmine's waist from behind, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck.

The people around Jasmine and Alex smiled a little, an elderly couple watched the young kids with admiration.

"I'll be waiting for that day." Jasmine held her hands along his hands, looking over her shoulder to meet his lips.

"We're causing a scene." Alex broke the kiss and looked at the menu. "What sounds good?"


They ended up ditching the line and went to a vending machine instead since Jasmine had been craving peanuts.

"How long until we can go to the villa?" Jasmine asked through a mouthful of some of Alex's chips.

"Oh we can leave anytime. I was just hanging around here to make sure no one would try to follow us." Alex shrugged.

"What if something happens, Alex? What if HYDRA or a mutant finds us when we're alone and outnumbered with no SHIELD or X-Men or Avengers around?" Jasmine spoke quietly so no one else could hear her.

"Coulson's team is station around here in case of that. And I'd die protecting you so don't worry about it." Alex didn't know how much fear he had put into Jasmine just by saying that last sentence.

Jasmine's eyes flighted to her hands in her lap, messing with her nails.

"Hey, hey." Alex cooed, putting his hand on her's. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Y-You said you'd die for me. But please don't say it. Don't mean it either." Jasmine's eyes began to water. Alex took off the sunglasses, much to Jasmine's disapproval, and wiped the tear from her cheek.

"I mean it, Jasmine. I'd jump in front of the bullet anytime for you and my little kid in you." Alex pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

"There's just so many people who didn't want to put their lives on the line for me and they laid the price."

"Yes, but that was their job; to protect those who need to be protected. That's what SHIELD does. You know I love you with all my heart Jasmine. You're my everything, but SHIELD is only keeping you safe because they want your trust so that you won't become a threat to anyone else."

Jasmine shook her head, putting her hands over her face.

"Even you think I'm a monster."

"I never said that, Jasmine. Ever." Alex forced her hands down and wiped her cheeks again. "I think you are an adorable, sweet girl who deserves the best out of life. You have the cutest face when you laugh, the way your nose wrinkles up is to die for."

"Alex." Jasmine giggled, blushing a little.

"Oh! And when you blush! I love to do it because its so easy." Alex rubbed his nose against her cheek, comforting her. "I love you. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now. Let's go so we can get to the villa before the sun sets." Alex Eskimo kissed Jasmine as he stood up and helped her up too.

So do you guys like Jalex? lol.

I want you guys to comment to boy name you love! This is the scoreboard for names so far-


• Tellan- 1
• Dayton- 0

• Adalynn- 2 or 1 (I forgot lol)
• Breezlyn- 0

Those are the top 2 girl and boy names to pick from! Please vote for the chapter AND for you favorite name! I will follow you if you do!

<3 Kacey <3

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