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"Jasmine!" Alex shook Jasmine awake. She had been moving around too much, which caused her IV to come out of the top of her wrist. Alex had helped carry Jasmine to her room. Logan, Steve, and Peter helped carry the medical supplies to Jasmine's room and helped reset the supplies up with Banner.

Jasmine's eyes flew open, and she noticed the IV come out.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as Alex put the IV back in. Banner had taught Alex anything he might need to know to help Jasmine if something were to happen.

"It's okay. Just be careful." Alex kissed her forehead. "Does anything hurt?" Jasmine nodded, bringing her hand to his. "Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Just stay with me." Jasmine murmured, gripping his hand. Alex smiled softly, looking into her green eyes.

"Were you having a bad dream?"

"Mhmm." Jasmine nodded.

"What was it about?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Jasmine muttered. "How long does Bruce want me to stay in my bed like this?"

"Banner said he just wanted you to have the IVs in you while you're asleep to make sure your blood is regenerating. But he said you can get out of bed if you wanted, though I don't think you really should."

"Okay." Jasmine nodded and bit her bottom lip. "Can you have Banner come back in here to take these out of me?"

"I can." Alex stood up and straightened Jasmine's arm.

"How do you know how to take out a needle?"

"Banner showed me a few things." He shrugged. "And how hard could it be to take it out?" Jasmine nervously bit her lip as he pulled the needles out gently. "Easy does it." Alex helped Jasmine to her feet, holding her hip.

"Ouch, Alex." Jasmine gasped as he held her sensitive body.

"Sorry, sorry." Alex smiled cheekily and held her hand instead.

Jasmine's head began to spin as black dotted her vision.

"Whoa, beautiful." Alex helped steady Jasmine. "Banner said you might get dizzy until your body fills back up with enough blood."

"Right." Jasmine rubbed her eyes before walking steadily towards the bathroom. "I'll be right out. I just want to look at something."

Jasmine didn't bother to close the bathroom door as she lifted her shirt up to look at her stomach. There were scratches, stitches, and some scarring already all over her torso.

Jasmine's eyes began to water as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Whatcha doin', Jazz?" Alex leaned against the doorway of the bathroom.

"I look hideous." She whispered, letting her shirt fall.

"No you don't. You look beautiful." Alex wrapped his arms around her, remembering that she was sensitive around her belly and torso. "It's not your fault that happened to you but I think you look beautiful."

"They're never going away, Alex." Jasmine cried into his chest as she turned to him.

"It's okay, baby." Alex sighed softly.

After Jasmine changed into different clothes- with the help of Alex- they went to the conference room, which took almost twenty minutes since Jasmine couldn't move fast without feeling dizzy.

"How're you feeling, Jasmine?" Natasha asked.

"Okay I guess." Jasmine sat down in one of the chairs, clutching to Alex's hand so she wouldn't fall. "I'm having horrible balance issues right now and it's not cool." She relaxed back into the seat, closing her eyes and exhaling slowly.

"That'll happen. When your brain doesn't have enough blood circulating to it, it makes you dizzy and you may have to just walk slow for a while." Banner said.

"Everything's too sore for me to move too quickly." Jasmine put her hand on her belly and winced. "Is James okay?" Jasmine looked over to Fury.

"Yes. He wasn't touched at all. You were Striker's main priority." Fury nodded.

"Have you been able to talk to him, Steve?" Jasmine moved her eyes over to Steve, who was almost asleep in his chair.

"Yeah." Steve smiled softly.

"He remembered you." Jasmine nodded.

"You should go back to bed, Jazz." Banner said when Jasmine yawned. "It'll help your body heal faster."

"Those needles hurt. I can barely move without Mr. Fussy-Pants over here waking me up to put the IV back in." Jasmine looked over to Alex when she said Mr. Fussy-Pants. Her eyes began to close, they were heavy and she couldn't keep them open.

"Jasmine." Alex chuckled, gently shaking her knee.

"Yeah. I'm awake." She opened her eyes and met his blue ones.

"Go to bed, Jasmine." Logan chuckled. Everyone was amused by the way Jasmine was desperately trying to avoid sleeping.

"Fine. Carry me, Alex." Jasmine held her hands out for him.

"Are you sure?" Alex chuckled as he stood up.

"Mhmm." Jasmine nodded. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms went around his neck as he carried her out of the conference room. Alex shifted his hands so he was holding under her upper thighs, providing leverage as he walked towards her room.

"You need to eat more, Jazz. You're light as a feather."

"Its cause of all the blood I lost." Jasmine mumbled. Her cheek was pressed tightly to his shoulder as she allowed sleep into her life.

Alex gently placed her into the bed, pulling the comforter over her after he put the IV on her wrist.

Alex began to leave Jasmine's bedside and go towards the chair when Jasmine gripped his hand.

"Don't leave." She mumbled in her sleep.

"I'm not, Jazz." Alex chuckled.

"Sleep with me. I'm cold." Jasmine scooted over, curling up on her side.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you, Jazz." Alex took off his shirt and got into bed behind Jasmine, resting a hand on her thigh. "Good night, beautiful."


Here's the next chapter you monkeys!!

Lol I seriously love you guys to pieces! ❤️

This is going to e my longest book so far- just a heads up because all of my other books have at least 40 or up to 70 chapters and I'm not even half way done with this book...

Be happy my Lovies!

<3 Kacey <3

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