The Nightmares can come true

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Jasmine woke up in a pitch black room, though luckily for her, she could see in the dark. Her cat-like pupils dilated and allowed more light in.

The room was set up like a 1940 medical room for wounded soldiers. There were two rows of beds on either side of the room.

Jasmine could see other bodies on the beds surrounding her.

As she got up and walked to the bed beside her. As she pulled the bed sheet back, she gasped.

It was the body of the super soldier. Steve was clearly dead, his tan color was gone to a pale white and around his eyes were darkened.

"Steve! Wake up!" Jasmine shook his body, knowing what the truth was. "Steve!"

Jasmine shook her head and moved on to the next bed, realizing the room was filled with the dead X-Men and Avengers. The folders at the foot of all of their beds said all had different causes of death.

Storm died from being stabbed fourteen times in her torso.

Natasha died from a single gun shot to her forehead.

Clint had died from being strangled to death.

Jasmine shook her head rapidly, tears talking down her cheeks as she pulled back one of the last two sheets. She hadn't come across Alex yet, but she knew he was one of the last two bodies.

A frightened, blood curdling scream erupted from Jasmine's throat. Alex's body was in pieces, his limbs had been ripped off and his head was torn off. Jasmine didn't need the folder to know that.

Jasmine felt her stomach tumble and flip but she held it in.

She was half tempted to just leave the room, but she wanted to know who the last person was.

No, Jasmine. Don't do it. It has to be someone like Phil or Harry- Harry!

Jasmine realized it could only be Harry. The Avengers and X-Men were all people she cared for; Harry was the missing piece.

Jasmine squeezed her eyes closed and pulled the sheet back, when she opened her eyes she didn't think Harry was dead.

He looked peaceful, his curls were pushed back on his forehead and his long eyelashes laid against his cheeks.

Jasmine's shaky hand reached up to caress his cheek, she realized he was still warm.

"Harry! Harry, wake up!" Hope brewed through her. Maybe he was alive.

Jasmine's eyes then moved down to the folder at his feet. She picked it up and read his cause of death.

The folder fell to the ground, her heart stopped.

"I killed him." She whispered, looking at the almost angelic creature laying across the bed. "I killed Harry. Harry I'm so sorry." Jasmine sobbed, putting her face in his chest.

Jasmine felt a pair of hands shake her.

Her eyes flew open to find Harry shaking her awake.

"You okay, Jasmine?" He asked. Jasmine shook her head, throwing her arms around Harry's neck.

"It- It seemed so real." Jasmine sobbed into Harry's chest, realizing it was just a nightmare.

"What was the dream about, love?" Harry ran his hand gently over Jasmine messy blonde hair.

"Everyone was dead. Alex was ripped up, Storm was stabbed, Clint was strangled, Natasha was shot, Bobby was hung, Peter had his throat cut. . . And it said I-I killed you, Harry. I'm so sorry. I would never do that to you." Jasmine shook her head, trying to escape the horrible nightmare.

Harry, however, was stiff. His body hardened when she said she killed him. It broke his heart, knowing she was the reason he was dying.

"Jasmine, I-I don't know what to say." He whispered. Jasmine lifted her head from his chest and wiped her cheeks.

"You don't have to say anything. Just hold me." Jasmine curled up closer to him.

"No, Jasmine. You. . . You deserve to know." Harry shook his head,tears of his own ran down his cheeks. "You need to know the truth."

"Harry, what are you talking about?"

"The reason I'm dying." Harry said. Jasmine sat up at the same time Harry did. He pulled her into his lap and held her close. "Jasmine, you helped heal me when I was shot."

"I did?" Jasmine smiled faintly at the thought of one of her abilities being good.

"Yes. But there were chemicals put into me from it."

"How?" Her eyebrows furrowed together.

"You have chemicals in you and your body is able to change with the chemcials, so the chemicals aren't harmless to you. But to me, the chemicals are dangerous. It would be like. . . putting me with Alex in the same room. Or Alex and me against Loki and Victor. Those things don't mix. Alex hates me because I love you and I understand why he does-"

"What?" Jasmine cut Harry off.

"I love you, Jasmine. But no the way you love Alex." Harry kissed Jasmine's forehead. A soft pink rose to her cheeks as Harry smiled at her.

"So. . . you're saying I'm the reason you're dying?"

Okay guys! So I hope this chapter satisfied you guys!

But I need help! (Yes I know I need mental help but lol that's not what I mean for this)

I know I have a ton of stories already but I'm almost done with most of them. And I'm starting my second book that has to do with children of the Avengers.

I need help with actors for the Avengers' kids. They all are boys and there is a reason for that. So I will go ahead and tell you the names so if you choose to read the story when I first post the chapter, you'll know a few of the characters. There's Levi Stark, Ryder Rogers, Ash Barton, Sawyer Thorson, and Landon Banner. The main character is actually Bucky Barnes's daughter, Bo Barnes. I have an actress for her but I need one for the boys. All of them. I literally suck a** at finding actors for these boys. If I could, I'd make Harry Styles be Levi, Liam Payne would be Landon, and Niall Horan would Ryder. But I know some of you guys don't like One Direction mixed with Avengers so I will try not to have any of them in my stories involving Marvel. However, I will use Harry Styles if I cannot find anyone for Levi.

So please comment any ideas! Any at all and I will check them out! Thank you so much!

(any of you #Directioners out there, have you seen Night Changes! If not you need to!!! It is amazing! I loved it!)

You guys are awesome for putting up with my problems and my Directioner side! I love you all! Keep voting and commenting!

<3 Kacey <3

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