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None of the Avengers or X-Men wanted Jasmine to go back to the Fridge anyways, so they never turned the Helicarrier towards the Africa, where the Fridge was located.

Jasmine was currently in the lounge with the X-Men and Avengers. She was playing with her salad, moving the lettuce and other vegetables around as she kept her orange, brown, and gray mix colored eyes on her meal.

Everyone figured out that her eyes turned that color when she was depressed about something.

Its been three days since the situation with Loki, and Jasmine was still being ignored by by most of the heroes, except for the X-Men.

"Stop playing with your food, Jasmine."Natasha muttered. She was sitting across from Jasmine, Clint to her left and Steve to her right. Logan was to Jasmine's left and Alex to her right.

Jasmine stopped messing with her meal and put the fork down, putting her hands in her lap. Natasha had turned from one of Jasmine's most favorite Avengers, to her least favorite. Natasha frequently bossed Jasmine around, telling her what to do or what not to do.

"She isn't hurting anything, Nat." Alex put a hand on Jasmine's knee.

"Keep your mouth shut, kid." Clint snapped. He hadn't been in a good mood for a while.

"Cool it, Bird Boy." Logan growled.

"Stop it, Logan." Jasmine rubbed her eyes with her hands. "Its fine."

"No its not. They need to grow the hell up and quit being pussies about it." Logan grumbled.

"Watch your language." Jasmine faintly smiled, but it disappeared. Logan chuckled at Jasmine, enjoying how she always tried to correct him when he cursed.

"So, Jasmine? What's this whole thing about you and Alex having a kid?" Natasha leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms as she watched Jasmine intently.

"It was just something we talked about." Jasmine shrugged, speaking quietly as she kept her eyes on her salad, which she hadn't bothered to take a bite out of at all. Alex had been the one to talk her into trying to eat something.

"You guys are too young for that sort of thing."

"I'm twenty six and she's well over that." Alex stepped in.

"With your luck, Jazz, you'd end up killing the baby." Clint chuckled sarcastically to himself.

Jasmine had enough. She suddenly stood up, pushing her chair back, which made a loud shrieking noise, before she stormed out of the lounge.

"Way to go, Barton." Tony muttered. Everyone's mood has been off since Jasmine confessed to being friends with Loki. Tony hadn't cracked a joke for a while.

"I suggest you both keep those damn comments to yourself before I make you." Logan threatened, unsheathing claws.

"Put them away, Logan." Storm whispered as she left the lounge room, followed by Alex, who ran after Jasmine.

"Jazz! Come on, baby girl. He's just pissy." Alex opened Jasmine's door and closed it behind him.

"But he's right, Alex. I won't be able to keep the baby alive." Jasmine shook her head, keeping her hands over her face as she cried.

"That's not true, baby girl. We can work it all out when that time comes. Barton's just being a jerk. Don't mind him." Alex wrapped an arm around Jasmine. "Please don't cry. It'll be okay."

"I just. . . They don't understand, Alex." Jasmine cried. Alex rubbed her side as he hushed her, bringing her down from her sobbing fit.

Over the three days, Loki would frequently visit which helped Jasmine's wounds heal quicker. They were scarring up now, and it hugged Jasmine when she took her shirt off.

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