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"Baby girl, you can't stay in your room forever." Alex tried to get Jasmine out of her room for the one hundredth time today. It's been three days since the big argument had caused Jasmine to cry. Jasmine hadn't left her room since the argument and she hadn't talked to anyone unless it was to tell them to stay out, she was fine, or she didn't want to see them.

"It's okay, Alex. I just want to be alone." Jasmine was sitting against the door, her arms tightly wrapped around her small knees.

"Baby, come on. We all want to apologize and Nick's thinkin' about letting us go back to the school."

"I don't want to anymore."

"Jasmine. You can't do this." Alex put his head against the door. "I argued a lot to change his mind. Please, Jasmine."

"I don't want to see anyone else, Alex."

"Okay, Jazz baby. I'll make sure they stay away. Come on." Alex waited for her to open the door.

It was the middle of winter now and it was snowing outside. Jasmine was only in a t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans when she got off the jet to walk towards the school.

Kids and students were playing in the snow, building snowmen, having snowball fights, and sledding down a massive ice hill Bobby had created.

"Here, Jasmine." Alex took off his hoodie and gave it to her.

"I-I-Its f-f-fine, A-A-Alex." Jasmine's teeth clattered as she spoke.

"Come on." He chuckled and walked with her inside. "Do you want to go out into the snow?"

"Not yet." Jasmine shook her head as she took his hoodie off. "I think we should stay in here. Maybe tomorrow we can go outside. . ." She trailed off, looking around the room.

"We can watch a few movies today, kay?" Alex turned the large flat screen tv on.

"That sounds like fun. Go change your clothes, bring back pajamas." Jasmine smiled as she nodded.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, beautiful." Alex kissed the top of Jasmine's head before leaving.

While he was gone, Jasmine changed into a white and black striped sweater and a pair of large sweatpants. She put her hair into a messy bun and laid back in the corner of her bed before Alex ever got back.

"Come on." Alex got into the bed beside Jasmine, wrapped an arm around her and using his other hand to pull the cover up over them. They stole Kitty's pillows to use as cushions for their backs as they cuddled under the blankets together.

Alex realized Jasmine had fallen asleep half way through their third movie. He turned the tv off, moved the extra pillows, and picked up Jasmine to lay her down correctly. Alex then proceeded to get into bed himself, pulling Jasmine closer to him as he curled their bodies in the large, warm comforter.

When Jasmine woke up, she realized her legs were entwined with his.

"Alex. . ." She spoke sleepily, her eyes hadn't even opened when she talked.

"Hmm?" Alex hummed from behind her.

"I'm freezing cold." Jasmine opened her eyes and turned to face Alex.

"Sorry." Alex realized he had taken most of the blanket. He moved so she could cover up mostly but he kept their legs tangled together.

"You take the covers too much." Jasmine found it more comfortable to sleep in a tight ball, so that's what she did underneath the covers.

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