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Steve and the team left the White House, leaving Logan and Jasmine in the dead center of the soon to be broken building.

"What if I end up killing you, Logan?" Jasmine's voice filled with worry as she looked up to him.

"Then it'll be a damn miracle. Not a lot of things can kill me." Logan chuckled, trying to ease the tension.

"This isn't the time to joke around, Logan. You're my friend." Jasmine took his hand and held it tightly in her own.

"Alex tells me you two and little man are gonna go away for a while after all this." Logan changed the subject, which Jasmine let slide.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you need to stay away. We're gonna take a month or two to settle down somewhere, probably in North Dakota or somewhere near the Great Lakes, and after that, I want all of you there for every holiday, every birthday, every everything. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am." Logan couldn't help but smile at Jasmine's assertive voice. "You're gonna keep Alex on his toes, aren't ya?"

"Oh yes I am." Jasmine giggled, breaking her serious look and tone.

"Okay guys. They're coming your way." Steve said.

"You ready?" Logan asked Jasmine. She nodded and squeezed his hand before letting go.

Back at the Helicarrier, the surviving SHIELD agents were cleaning up, preparing to go to DC.

The jet carrying the majority of Steve's team landed on the Helicarrier about two hours later. The Carrier was just then getting into the air.

"Where's Jasmine?" Bobby asked as he walked on to the jet. Clint pushing by him to go over to the wounded Black Widow.

"She and Logan are still in DC." Peter replied, picking up Kitty's lifeless body. His expression was full of sorrow and remorse.

"Kitty." Bobby exhaled, his heart began to race more and more as Peter hurriedly carried Kitty to the medical room. Banner was already there, helping many SHIELD medics repair and redid the agents.

"She isn't breathing, Bruce. She stopped right when we landed." Peter placed Kitty on an empty table. Clint came running into the room, carrying Natasha in his arms.

"She's going into shock, Banner!" Clint barked.

"Simmons! Go to Natasha." Banner remained calm, starting to work on Kitty. "What about Jasmine?"

"She's with Logan in DC." Peter said, taking a few steps back as Banner removed Kitty's shirt to do the electric shocks necessary to potentially bring Kitty back to life. "She's using one of her powers and didn't want us hurt so Logan's staying."

Banner nodded, placing heart monitors on her chest.


Kitty's rather small body jumped from the shock but was still flat lining.

"Come on, Kitty." Bobby whispered, tears forming in his blue eyes. "You can do it."


The same thing happened.

"Guys." Jean came running into the room. "We found Alex."

"What do you mean you found him?" Peter asked.

"He disappeared towards the end of it. Scott's with him but he's not responding." Jean replied, speaking quickly.

"Go down the hall and grab a few agents who I've already helped. Have them help you with Alex." Banner spoke, trying to keep calm.

No one was expecting this to happen. One X-Men dead, one Avenger going into shock, which could kill her, and another X-Men on the verge of death.

"I'm so sorry, Bobby." Bruce took a deep breath after he spoke.

"No." Bobby's voice broke. He shook his head, looking from Kitty to Bruce before storming out.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Peter spoke softly and followed him.

"How's Nat doing, Jemma?" Bruce went over to Agent Jemma Simmons, who was working on Natasha.

"She's lost massive amounts of blood and she's in pain but I've managed to knock her out with a sedative and given her morphine. Right now I am giving her-"

"Bruce." Jean got his attention.

"I'm sorry, Jemma. Carry on. You're doing great." Bruce patted her shoulder before going over to the unconscious Alex. "How many bullet wounds?"

"Four. Two to the torso, one perforated his liver, one tore through his kidney, one to his upper left thigh and another to his right shoulder."

"Don't tell Jasmine about this. I need to make sure I can get him back before we go telling her lies." Bruce immediately began working on him.

Hours later, the Helicarrier had picked Jasmine and Logan up. The two alone had been successful in both eliminating the Hydra agents and the mutants and destroying the White House.

Jasmine had passed out from it all so now she was hooked up to a heart monitor in the same room as the unconscious Alex and Natasha.

"All agents report to your rooms for the night. We will be landing at the Hub in the morning and from there, you all will be dismissed if pleased. A vigil will be held tomorrow night for the fallen SHIELD agents and X-Man." Director Fury spoke over the intercom, sadness filled his voice.

I know you guys thin in a terrible human being for killing off Kitty but I was going to so the same with Natasha but then I was like "No that's Natasha Romanoff, she can't die" So in reality this is the best way to go with the chapter! I promise!

And I didn't want to make the ending too cliche and have everyone live!

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<3 Kacey <3

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