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*short chapter sorry sorry sorry*

*read the whole entire chapter before commenting about the name please!*

Jasmine was in the middle of a park in New York City. Different people were walking around, couples, children, families and their pets. Jasmine's eyes focused in on Alex, who was lightly swinging the little blonde boy back and forth. The boy was from Jasmine's previous dream, Tellan.

"Daddy? Where's mommy at?" Tellan looked back at Alex with big blue eyes.

"Mommy's somewhere special, sweetie." Alex brought Tellan to a stop and picked the little boy up.

"Tell me more about her, daddy." Tellan wrapped his arms around his father's neck.

"She looked just like you. She had blonde hair and the most beautiful eyes ever."

"I wish I could've met her." The boy's tiny eyes filled with tears as he put his face into Alex's neck.

The sight was enough to make Jasmine cry. She realized that in the dream, she must've been dead.

"You'll see her again someday, Tellan." Alex rubbed the little boy's back.

Jasmine woke up crying. She reached over for Harry when she realized she wasn't in her own bed. Her hands were tied to the bed, along with her ankles.

Memories of the previous night flooded back; Ward had taken her for HYDRA.

"Well, well, well. She's finally awake." A voice came from the dark corner of the room. Jasmine's green eyes could immediately see a man standing there.

"Where am I?" Jasmine struggled to make the chains break but they wouldn't. "Please let me go. I-I have a baby-"

"Oh we know all about it. We've been watching you. Ward is HYDRA, you know." The man shrugged.

"I-I just want to keep him safe. Please." Jasmine began to cry again, her eyes welled with tears.

"Well this world isn't safe. Any child is liable to die within its first few years if the parents can't take care of it."

"But I can! I can take care of him!" Jasmine screamed.

"You can't even handle yourself, Jasmine. Look at you, with all these powers but not able to control them? You're a waste of precious gifts." The man started to walk towards Jasmine. "If HYDRA were more smarter back then, a more suitable person would hold the gifts, not some pathetic girl."

"If HYDRA were smarter now, they'd let me go!" Jasmine suddenly yanked her hands up, busting through the chains. The man reacted quickly, pulling out a pocket knife. Jasmine kicked her feet free and landed a solid kick in his stomach. The man fell back and hit his head on the metal table, knocking him out.

Just then, Harry came running through the door with Coulson and his team behind him.

"Jasmine!" Harry gasped, rushing over to Jasmine. Her arms wrapped tightly around his broad shoulders, tears if relief ran down her cheeks. "You're okay, Jazz. I've got you and I swear no one will take you away."

"I just need to see Alex once at least every other week or something, Harry." Jasmine kept her face in his chest, not caring if he could understand her or not. But he could.

"I'll have something arranged, Jasmine. Come on. We need to let you be checked by Simmons."

"I can't believe Ward would do such a thing." Simmons muttered to herself as she worked on Jasmine.

"Jemma? You. . . You aren't like him, are you?" Jasmine spoke quietly. "I trust you, but I've learned trust can easily break your heart."

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