Who Knows What's Next

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"Come on, Jazz. Fury says you need to practice fighting." Natasha knocked on the door to her room for probably the seventh time. Jasmine hadn't left her room for three days.

"Do I have to?" Jasmine groaned and rolled over. She ended up in the floor.

"Yes you do now stop throwing a fit." Natasha opened the door.

"Fine." Jasmine stood up from the floor and threw the large comforter on to the bed.

"You'll be fine." Natasha looked through Jasmine's clothes before tossing an outfit on to the bed. "Put that on."

"I don't want to. I want to stay in here." Jasmine groaned as she took her shirt off. Natasha took one of the photo albums and started looking through it as Jasmine changed.

The outfit Natasha chose for her consisted of a pair of skinny jeans and a loose fitting white shirt that swooped down on the neck and showed some of her tanned chest. The shirt hung over both of her shoulders.

Jasmine brushed out her platinum blonde hair and sat on the edge of her bed to look through the photo album with Natasha.

"So that's Peggy Carter?" She pointed to a picture of a brunette woman.

"Mmhmm." Jasmine nodded.

"She's who Steve told me about." Natasha muttered then closed the book. "Come on."

"Why do I have to learn to fight?" Jasmine complained as they walked through the SHIELD hallways.

"Well, let's see. You have HYDRA after you, Loki and his army's after you, and the mutant army is after you too. So you need to learn self defense." Natasha replied sarcastically.

"Right." Jasmine rolled her eyes. Natasha ignored it and instead opened the training room door for her.

"Finally. We're waitin' for a show." Tony chuckled.

"Cap's up first." Clint grinned and crossed his arms.

"Ready?" Steve held up a defensive stance.

"As I'll ever be." Jasmine nodded and followed him.

Steve threw the first swing. He lunged for her torso but Jasmine blocked it with her forearm and returned the punch to his abdomen.

Their fight became quicker, but Jasmine never once got hit.

"Time. My turn." Natasha called it quits.

Jasmine shrugged and began fighting Natasha. Natasha was smaller, but quicker than Steve.

Their fight lasted longer and everyone was amused by Jasmine's grin. She dodge, ducked, and flipped out of the way when Natasha would try to hit her. Jasmine did one last back hand spring and stood ready to fight when Natasha chuckled and crossed her arms.

"You're getting better."

"Thanks." Jasmine smiled, proud of herself. Her head began to hurt a little. She ignored it and walked out of the training room with everyone. They all went to the lounge but she broke off from the large group mixed with X-Men and Avengers and went to her room instead.

Loki was standing on the opposite side of the room. Jasmine slowly closed the door behind her and tried to calm her breathing, but instead it just became heavy.

"What seems to be the matter, love?" He took a few steps towards her but Jasmine pressed her back against the wall.

"They told me about you. You- You lied to me, Loki." She barely whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

"What did they say?"

"I talked to Thor. He said you tried to take over the world with aliens." Jasmine whimpered as his fingertips brushed her jawbone.

"They don't want us to be together, Jasmine. They're wanting us to turn on each other." Loki pressed their bodies together, his soft hand made her look into his eyes. "I care about you, Jasmine. I want you to be happy. You were happy when we were together weren't you?"


"Then come with me, my darling love." His voice was gentle as his lips brushed over her ear.

"O-Okay." She nodded. The art of seduction, he thought to himself. Loki chuckled to himself and kissed her lips softly before he teleported them to his base.

Only moments later did Logan and Steve break into her bedroom. They were too late.

"Shit." Logan cursed and punched the nearest wall as Steve ran back to the front of the Helicarrier, where the Avengers, X-Men, and a few SHIELD agents were.

"We didn't get there in time. He took her." Steve panted, out of breath from running.

"Damn it." Natasha rubbed between her eyes.

"He didn't take her by force. She chose to go." Storm repeated the words Xavier was telling her through their minds. He had to return to the school, but he'd help as much as he could.

"How do you know?" Fury asked.

"The Professor told me." Storm replied.

"How would he get her to go with him?" Banner asked out loud.

"He could've done what he did to Selvig or Barton." Tony shrugged.

"But he didn't last time." Bobby shook his head.

"Maybe he persuaded her to go with him." Kitty added.

"I think he may be using her own emotional feelings against her." Natasha stood up.

"What do you mean, Romanoff?" Fury asked.

"I was talking to her the other day and asked if he did anything to her. She said no and that he was kind and sweet to her. Maybe he's pretending to have an interest in her." Natasha shrugged.

"Do you think they've kissed?" Tony asked.

"Of course you'd ask that, Stark." Steve muttered.

"I knew you were gonna say that, Capsicle." Tony chuckled. "But seriously. What if he did and he's seducing her?"

"And she's falling for it." Storm sighed.

"That's horrible." Kitty gripped Bobby's hand, which rested between their chairs.

"Is that why she tried to kill herself?" Alex spoke up. He was thinking about other things but the subject caught his attention.

"That could be the reason." Banner shrugged.

"Playing with her emotions won't be good for her on the long run. She's already tried cutting. Who knows what's next." Natasha sighed heavily.

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