In Pain

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Jasmine ended up ending the call as she boarded the jet with Alex.

"What'd ya do that for?" Peter asked.

"I want to talk to him in private." Jasmine replied.

"We'll be at the lake in less than five minutes, baby." Alex kissed Jasmine's forehead.

When the jet landed at the lake, everyone headed out to watch Bobby freeze the lake. Jasmine noticed a few strangers walking with Scott, Jean, Peter, Kitty, and Bobby.

"Alex? I'm going to call Harry." Jasmine stopped walking and looked up into his blue eyes.

"Okay. Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No. I'll stay near the jet." Jasmine shook her head, already walking away. Alex sighed, watching as she walked with the phone in hand.

"Alex! Come on!" Bobby got his attention. Alex nodded and glanced at Jasmine one last time before going to join the others on the lake.

Jasmine pressed the call button and held the phone to her ear. She had zoned everyone out, only able to hear the silence on the line before the first ring. Harry answered on the third ring.

"Jasmine! I was wondering why you hadn't called me sooner, love." Harry's thick Cheshire accented voice made Jasmine smile. She could see the dimpled-set smile on Harry's face in her mind.

"Harry, I miss you."

"Jazz, you'll be just fine without me. It'll be okay."

"How's visiting your mom?" Jasmine kicked a rock into the forest as she paced at the wood line.

"Its wonderful. She missed me a lot. She noticed my necklace was gone and started yelling at me-"

"I told you to take the necklace back, Harry. You stupid boy-"

"No, I told her who I had given it to. She seems to like you from what I've told her."

Jasmine couldn't help but smile a bit at this.

"That's because you didn't mention my many accidents and run-ins with death."

"No, I just told her you were accident prone." Harry chuckled. "You sound upset, Jazz."

"How would you know?"

"I'm kind of stalking your emotions at the moment. You're uneasy and worried about something. Is there going to be an attack on SHIELD?"

"No, of course not. I just. . ." Jasmine ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm pregnant, Harry."

Something crashed from the other end of the line. Panic began to flood Jasmine.

"Harry! Harry! Are you okay?"

"Uh- Uh yeah. I just fell on my ass and dropped my mum's favorite mug." Jasmine could tell Harry was confused because he was speaking fast. "What- What do you mean you're pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant, Harry." Jasmine's eyes began to water. "And I'm crying. I-I don't know if I'm suppose to be happy or if I'm suppose to be upset."

"Did you- Alex." Harry exhaled the name. "Jasmine, I swear to God if that kid ruins your life, I will cut off his-"

"I'm pretty sure Logan would beat you to it, Harry. But I-I just need someone to talk to."

Alex watched as Jasmine paced the wood line. He was on the frozen lake with the others, but he had stopped skating to keep an eye on Jasmine.

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