The Field Trip

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"Jasmine! Wake up!" Kitty jumped on to Jasmine's bed.


"We're going on a field trip! Come on!"

"What? Where to?" Jasmine sat up.

"To the zoo! Come on, come on, come on!" Kitty was clearly excited. "Since all SHIELD gave you were dark clothes that make you look gothic, I went shopping with a few other girls and got you a few things." Kitty gestured to the numerous bags on the floor.

"Kitty! You didn't have to." Jasmine rubbed her eyes.

"But I did! Come on!" She squealed.

"Okay! What time is it and how long do I have to get ready?" Jasmine stood up.

"Its almost noon and you have only an hour."

Jasmine got into the shower quickly and blow dried her blonde hair. Afterwards, she put on an outfit Kitty bought her; a pair of dark skinny jeans, a belt, and a black fitting long sleeve. Jasmine tucked the long sleeve into the waist band of her jeans before added a pair of black flats. Kitty even got makeup for Jasmine, so. Jasmine put on black eyeliner and mascara.

"Morning beautiful." Alex walked into the bathroom. The door was already open and Kitty let him into the dorm. Alex wrapped his arms around Jasmine's waist in a backwards hug and kissed the top of her head.

"Its actually noon." Jasmine giggled and looked up at him.

"Yeah. But Kitty told me you just woke up before you got a shower." Alex looked into Jasmine's green eyes through the mirror.

They sat together on the bus. Bobby and Kitty sat behind them. Logan and Storm were sitting in the front of the bus, chaperoning that group of students.

Jasmine held Alex's hand in her lap. The driveway the school rested on was very bumpy and long. Every time the bus would hit a bump, Jasmine would giggle along with Kitty and most of the other girls.

They hit a large bump, causing Bobby's head to hit the window.

"Now I understand why we use the jet mostly." He muttered. Jasmine had the inside seat while Alex had the aisle seat. Jasmine sat up on her knees and faced Alex, but looked back at Kitty.

"You two are together, right?" She asked, looking over to Bobby then back to Kitty.

"I guess you could say that." Kitty shrugged.

"Jasmine. Sit down before you get hurt." Alex chuckled. Jasmine sighed and slid down into her seat the right way. She slid down to where her knees rested on the back of the seat in front of her, but when they hit a bump, she fell into the floor. "I can tell you're in a good mood." Alex helped Jasmine back into her seat.

"My eyes are rainbow, aren't they?" Jasmine giggled and looked into Alex's sparkling blue eyes.

"Yes. But you're laughing more than I've ever heard someone laugh."

"I've never been on a bus.... Or that I can remember. I've never been to a zoo before either." Jasmine shrugged. "At least I don't remember if I have." She looked down at her hands.

"It's okay, Jazz." Kitty rubbed her shoulder. Jasmine looked over her shoulder and smiled to Kitty.

Jasmine was amazed by the numerous animals at the zoo, but she was cautious of the humans there. She had never had any interaction with little children or adults that weren't a part of some super secret thing.

Jasmine held Alex's hand tightly as they walked towards one of the tiger exhibits. A group of little Kindergarteners were there on a field trip as well.

When one of them pointed out Jasmine's dark green, catlike eyes, the teachers started to move the kids away from Jasmine and Alex, whispering something about mutants being bad.

"I forgot all about my eyes." Jasmine looked down at her hands.

"Its fine, Jasmine. They're just kids." Alex wrapped his muscular arm around her and continued walking. Jasmine sighed, but her eyes glowed when she saw the giraffes.

"Come on!" She giggled and took Alex's hand, dragging him to the fence of the giraffe exhibit.

"Do you like giraffes?" Alex chuckled.

"They're beautiful." Jasmine nodded, amazed by the patterns of orange, brown, and yellow on the large creatures' bodies. There were four of them total.

"I need to go talk to Storm for a minute, Jasmine. Do you want to come with me or do you want to stay here?" Alex asked after a moment.

"Um, I'll stay here." She glanced over to Alex and smiled.

"Okay. Be careful." He softly kissed her lips before walking towards the lion exhibit, where Storm and the younger students were. The older ones were aloud to go off on their own, just with a buddy or friend.

Jasmine watched the giraffes for a moment, but she suddenly felt someone watching her. She glanced over to a group of boys and noticed they were the ones looking at her.

Jasmine brushed her blonde hair back and shifted the weight on her feet.

"Hey, pretty? What's your name?" One of them walked over to her. She remained quiet and kept her eyes on the giraffes. "Hey. I'm talking to you."

"I think she's playing hard to get, Luke." Another chuckled.

"Two can play at that game." The first, Luke, stood closer to Jasmine. She could feel his hot breath down her neck.

"Leave me alone." She said.

"Oh. She talks." The boys laughed. Luke tried to move a strand of her blonde hair but she smacked his hand away.

"Don't touch me." She said through her teeth. Jasmine was getting bad feelings about these boys. And it was her instinct, something she learned to trust first.

"Is that how it's going to be? Okay then." Luke pushed her up against the fence, pressing their bodies together.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Alex ran over to Jasmine, pushing Luke off of her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Jasmine nodded and gripped his hand tightly.

"We were just talkin to her, dude."

"I don't care. She's mine." Alex wrapped an arm around Jasmine's waist.

"They're mutants, Luke. Don't mess with them." One whispered.

"I know she is. But he's probably not." Luke took another step forward. But Jasmine put her force field up, stopping him.

"Come on." Jasmine didn't want to fight so she led Alex away from the boys after dropping her force field.

"Did they do anything to you, Jasmine?" Alex glanced over to her.

"No." She shook her head.

"Good." Alex leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Hey!! So I've added cast characters for Jasmine!! One of you suggested SophiaAnn Robb as Jasmine and I looked her up and she fits Jasmine perfectly!!

Check out the new cover page! I know I've changed it a lot but sorry!

<3 Kacey <3

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