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Booming laughter erupted in the mansion filling the air

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Booming laughter erupted in the mansion filling the air. Everyone was so cheerful and having a blast.

Jeno was cuddling in the corner of the room making faces at Jaehyun's baby. Byeol is nearly a year old and the girl always plays with Jeno. She became fond of him and always lets out small giggles whenever he plays peekaboo. Her front teeth poked out and her dimples appeared every single time she laughed.

However even though her whole attention is always on Jeno she never forgets to hold onto Taeyeon's finger, wrapping it around her small palm. It's been a habit of Byeol's to grab onto the girl since she was a newborn.

"Jeno, I need to feed her" Opal spoke, reaching her hands out. Reluctantly he gave one last smile to the little girl. "Mama wants you" he cooed at her before waving a small goodbye.

Opal rocked her baby back and forth in her arms leaving the area to go to a quiet place. "Where's your boyfie Taeyeon?" Leiko asked as she stroked Yuta's hair, who was peacefully sleeping on her lap.

"Jaemin? I think he is with Donghyuck"

"Mind telling me why you're not coming down?" Jaemin leaned on the doorframe watching Donghyuck play video games. He glimpsed at Jaemin at the corner of his eyes before turning back to pay attention to the screen.

"It's too loud," he uttered out, not letting his eyes leave the game. "You sure that's the reason? Nothing else?" Jaemin raised his eyebrow, folding his arms very well aware of the fact that it was due to something else.

Donghyuck knew exactly where this conversation would be heading. He shut his eyes tight. Ever so slowly he tilted his head back, moving his neck side to side letting out deafening cracks of his bone to break the transitory silence in the room.

Gritting his teeth trying to refrain his anger from building up, he shot an icy glare at the boy. Poking the side of his cheek he attempted to shield his frustration by letting out a dry chuckle.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he excused, his voice coming hoarse and dark. "Byeol is just a baby. You can't keep on running away to your room whenever Jaehyun and Opal bring their child-"

"Can you just SHUT UP!" Donghyuck lashed out, eventually failing to remain calm. Unable to hold in his true feelings he threw his game console at the empty wall. Jaemin sealed his lips, breathing out heavily. It's been over a year since the incident happened but the scar never healed within the boy.

Understanding that he needs time alone, Jaemin nodded to himself. "I guess I should just leave" he turned around, shutting the door on the way out. Jaemin faced the floor while walking down the hallway shaking his head.

"Jaemin what's wrong?" he glanced up to find Taeyeon making way towards him with a concerned expression. Not wanting to worry her, he placed on a small smile wrapping his arms around her. "Nothing" he reassured, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Back, laid down on the soft mattress of his bed, Donghyuck faced the ceiling waiting for his breath to steady. He closed the curtains and switched the light off, just allowing the darkness to consume his mind and soul so that it returns empty.

Oddly the dark atmosphere was rather calming. Forcefully he always pushed back the pain ridden feelings. A cold sensation built inside him, he sealed away hiding his true emotions from everyone.

Unlike his old self he enclosed the doors to his heart that pleaded to escape. He felt at ease not speaking his words to others. There are times he may snap back not being able to control of his inner rage.

Especially when everything rushed back to him like a tsunami, waves of his mistakes flowing from the back of his mind.

He doesn't hate the baby. Byeol is merely a year old, and knows nothing. But the sight of her jerks the thorn that's permanently hinged into his heart to dig deeper.

Will the scar ever heal?

"Renjun hyung!"

The voice from behind brought the Chinese boy out of his trance. He tilted his head to see Chenle making way towards him. Renjun moved a little to the side creating space for him to sit down on the bench.

The starry night illuminated naturally down towards them. A peaceful atmosphere where the only noise that could be heard were the nocturnal creatures roaming through the quiet streets.

Taking a deep inhale of the fresh air he glanced at the flowers in the mansion's garden. "It's nice here isn't it"

"Yeah" Chenle agreed but looked a little hesitant to talk about something. Noticing his tensed up muscles Renjun nudged him. "Just say it"

Chenle let out a dry laugh impressed how the older boy was able to catch onto the awkward tension he was letting out. "Um - I uh - I kind of overheard your conversation on the phone a minute ago. . you know about your cousin coming back . . . Sorry" Renjun blankly stared at the boy and shook his head. "It wasn't anything secretive so it's fine."

Sighing in relief, Chenle pressed further out of curiosity. "Why did your cousin even go to China?" Renjun pursed his lips not sure if he wanted to tell the boy but gave in after looking at Chenle's eager eyes.

"When we were 17 she got into an accident and lost a lot of blood. She required blood transfusion but the problem was she has an AB negative blood type. Not very common. Granny and mum were the only ones who had the same blood. But granny died when we were 15. She had to go to China so my mum could help her"

Tranquility set in the air engulfing the rigid aura.

"Why didn't you go with her?"

Reflexively, Renjun clenched his fist tight inhaling to calm down a little. "Chenle, I told you this before. My mum and dad left me when I was a kid and went to China then had another son. I lived in Korea my whole life with my granny and my cousin.

You know how much I hate them! Why would I want to go?!"

Regretting ever asking, Chene gulped down hard. He sealed his lips not wanting to further the older boy's anger.

"I'm sorry," he muttered. Renjun pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's ok. I shouldn't have spoken in that manner" He shook his head feeling a little bad after shouting at Chenle.

"Hyung . . . what's her name?" a smile fell over Renjun's lips reminiscing the memories he had with his closest family member and best friend.

"Suyin . . . Huang Suyin"

 Huang Suyin"

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