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Zhou made a thin line with his lips, his eyes widened by a fraction as he saw his cousin walk in while stuffing her face with donuts

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Zhou made a thin line with his lips, his eyes widened by a fraction as he saw his cousin walk in while stuffing her face with donuts. Instantly he knew that she was in a bad mood after seeing the sweet savoury in her grasp.

Scared his pupils shot away from her knowing that it was not the right time to interact with her. "Zhou!" His breath hitched worried that he must've done something wrong. Suyin is at her worst when you spot her with donuts. 

Her and donuts definitely not a good combination. 

"Y-yes?" he stuttered shutting his eyes tight.

He slowly turned to look at her, his fingers trembled. She had a narked expression placed across her features making the boy's heart rapidly pump in fear. He gulped back the built up saliva in his throat. "We're going out tomorrow. Get ready"

"U-umm o-okay" he stayed still frozen and let out a heavy breather when her bedroom door shut. A rush of relief flew within him. He made up his mind to not approach her at all the rest of the day and he faced away back to his textbook.

"Neo Sports Academy?" his lips parted in shock as he read the board above him. Suyin clicked her tongue and hit the back of his head. "How many times have I said, speak Korean when we are outside and at home you can speak Mandarin. Minho told me that you keep on accidentally speaking Mandarin at school. It's going to become a habit" she spat out gawking at him.

The younger boy pouted and rubbed his head. "It just slips out" he muttered following her into a building. When Zhou asked Suyin to let him join swimming he didn't expect her to take him to the really famous and prestigious academy which is highly known for professionals. Almost immediately a smile lingered across his lips just thinking about joining the team.

After speaking to the coach Zhou was taken away for some trials. Suyin already gave in his documents before hand. All the awards and competitions that the boy has won, she was hoping that they would take him in easily. But it all depends on how he performs right now.

40 minutes passed but she patiently waited. They didn't allow her in where the pools were but Suyin didn't complain and stayed at the visitors seat the whole time not moving a muscle.

Pursing her lips she checked her watch but before she could even read the time the double doors opened wide letting the coach to walk in. Instantly the girl stood up hoping for some good news, she slowly approached the coach with an anticipating expression.

"He is quite skilled and I've spoken to the other coaches. He is quite suitable to join the team." a bright smile fell across her lips and she bowed to him politely, thanking him.

Just then Zhou walked out to spot the Coach and his cousin talking. He stood beside Suyin clueless gazing down at her. He turned around the older male who was already looking at Zhou.  "Welcome to the team" was all he needed to hear for an ecstatic feeling to arise in his heart. His lips parted and he couldn't say a word.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now