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Tip toeing towards the hunched over figure, she let out an evil giggle planning to execute the act she knows would piss a certain boy off

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Tip toeing towards the hunched over figure, she let out an evil giggle planning to execute the act she knows would piss a certain boy off.

Her hands crept behind him, stealthily she grabbed him into a headlock. "LEE DONGHYUCK!!!" she screamed, choking the guy as her laughs erupted loudly. The boy wasn't even aware of her. He did not see her coming with his mind concentrating on the small screen ahead of him.

Suyin didn't let go and Donghyuck was having a difficulty to break free. Skillfully she was able to pin him like a pro which definitely took the boy by surprise. After constantly attempting to pull her hand away he eventually tapped her arm indicating her that he falls to defeat.

A satisfied chuckle left her lips as she freed him. She let out a soft laugh. Red and breathless he coughed out from the insufficient air he got from her death hold. Shortness of breath he slapped his chest and turned to give her a vicious glare. "F-fucking hell what was that for!"

Suyin shrugged her shoulders and placed her bag down. "Did you miss me?" she winking at him. Donghyuck choked on his spit by the sudden question and rolled his eyes. "UGH!" he ruffled his hair in irritation.

"I will take that as a yes~" she sang out

"Hey seatmate! You going to pay attention?" she whispered so she wouldn't interrupt the lesson.

Donghyuck flickered his sight to her from the corner of his eyes before carrying on with his game. Tutting her head disapprovingly she faced forward. "You're just like Renjun gaming all the time. Got nothing better to do" she muttered under her breath not wanting him to hear. However, Donghyuck heard every word she said.

Running his tongue over his bottom lip he leaned towards her with his eyes still trained on his phone. "Has anyone told you that you complain like a mum"

"Nope, why?" she asked clueless. Donghyuck's features squirt up judging her. "Well you do" he monotoned.

Slightly offended, she made a thin line with her lips. But then again she looked at the bright side of it. She obviously has some sort of mother figure attributes in her. After all she looks after Zhou. "Thank you" she cheerfully replied.

Upon hearing her, Donghyuck stopped playing his game and tutted his head.

Why do I like her?

"You're so weird," he muttered bitterly. "I'm not weird!" she snapped back. "You're boring as well" she gasped at this statement and grabbed his phone out of his palm. "I'm not boring. Watch me play this" Donghyuck bored his eyes on her seriously pondering on how he even has the energy to deal with her all this time.

Sighing, he surrendered. Smoothly he pulled his chair closer to her, approximately no space between them both as their shoulders were squished against one another. Concentrating, he watched as she tried to shoot a few opponents dead but unfortunately she died every time. Donghyuck held back the urge to burst out laughing and replaced it with an impassable expression.

"You didn't even last 2 minutes.Terrible'' Suyin painfully turned her head to him with a bothered expression. "Fine, why don't you do it then!" she pressed down. Raising his brow he grabbed his phone back. Professionally he leisurely killed the opponents one by one. He could feel Suyin's eyes training on his game in awe. A small egoistic smirk laid across his features as he felt his pride bombard highly at a fast rate.

When he turned to face Suyin she was already looking at him in admiration. He stopped himself from smiling and cleared his throat. "I kill people in real life, Angel. This is nothing" it astonished her how he made it look so effortlessly easy but then after hearing what he just said she shut her parted mouth and bit her bottom lip.

Forgot about that

Huffing some air she sent some short stray strands to sway a little. " I will do better this time. Watch me!" She hyped herself up determined. Chuckling lowly he leaned his cheek on his palm as he watched her attempt again. The girl had her tongue stuck out trying to concentrate. Yet she continuously kept on dying.

Eventually losing it he leaned closer. His arms encircled around her as he grabbed each of her palms guiding her though. "Like this. You zoom in and tap this button and then . . . see dead" it happened so fast she didn't even see it happen.

Suyin's eyes enlarged in shock but she carried on playing. Without realising she leaned back letting herself rest her back onto his chest. Donghyuck didn't mind and glanced at her moderately before forcefully tearing his eyes away. He could feel her hair tickling his jaw and ear. A warmth emitted within him and a discreet sensation fluttered in his heart and stomach.

He continued to aid her through the game. His hands still holding hers not detaching. After a while he let go, his palms falling away from hers. One of his hands rested on her waist while the other on his own knee.

They were both so immersed into the game they did not take in the fact that they both were extremely close to one another.

Suyin's tongue stuck out as she was reaching closer to her goal. She took the lead using the weapons just like Donghyuck instructed her too and to her luck she was able to kill an opponent.

Delighted, she let out a gasp before squealing in excitement. "Did you see that! I killed him" she twisted her head to find his eyes already on her.

Her breath hitched seeing that there wasn't much distance from one another. His breath fanning on her face gently making her involuntarily gulp nervously. Donghyuk's eyes moved between both her coffee coloured pupils before landing on her soft lips. Clearing her throat she turned away.

Lightly the girl pushed him away ever so little and handed back his phone. Donghyuck moved back leaving the app. He wasn't even bothered by what had happened but Suyin on the other hand felt like she was about to go into a heart attack. A crimson red painted her ears feeling her heart erratically race wildly.

She glanced down at her hands where she could still feel his touch lingering on her fingers. She had to admit his hands were soft and delicate like a newborn which confused her. Honestly she thought they would be more rough and filled with callouses due to all the fighting.

A flood of hormones took over her bloodstream, raising her temperature to maybe over boiling point. Automatically she began fanning her cheeks to reduce the pigment of red that painted her.

Donghyuck deeply chuckled as he could see her all flustered from his peripheral view. He kept it low but he felt his lip lightly tugging upwards.

She's so cute

Drifting his sight elsewhere he found a pair of eyes looking at his direction.

He isn't dead?

Donghyuck narrowed his eyes to see Sunwoo adjacently giving the same look at the boy. Running his tongue over his teeth he bit down hard, boring a death stare to the boy. Sunwoo scoffed before sending a malicious smirk to his direction before changing his sight to the seat beside him.

This riled Donghyuck inside because he was looking right at Suyin. 


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