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Due to being forced rather than having a choice she coercively headed towards the back of the class

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Due to being forced rather than having a choice she coercively headed towards the back of the class. Feet glued to the floor she darted her eyes towards him standing a few feet away from his chair. 

She had already spoken to the professor pleading him to change her partner but he refused. It was like she was being punished. Eventually she concluded that she was definitely going to fail. He doesn't even pay attention. Never has she ever seen his eyes trained on the professor for a single second. On top of that they both don't get along well.

Nibbling on her bottom lips she fiddled with her fingers. The only way for her to get a decent grade is if they both work well together and get along well.

I mean he is Renjun's friend. Maybe I can be his as well. He can't be that bad. Right?

She plastered on a smile killing herself inside just by the thought of what devastating event that occurred the day before. No way they could get along well.

Nonetheless, she let out a small whine dragging her feet over sitting down beside him. She noticed as soon as she took a seat beside the boy many whispers floated through the air. Suyin avoided all their gazed feeling a bit uncomfortable. Slowly she looked at Miri who gave her an awkward smile. Nam-il was giving her a thumbs up and mouthing good luck.

Internally she cried cursing the professor constantly. It was all his doing. 

Donghyuck noticed the warmth emanating from beside him. He knew that someone was there. Abruptly he shot his eyes open. She was the last person he would've expected to sit beside him. Clenching his jaw his eyes darken as soon as they fell on her features. Suyin on the other hand waved at him stiffly. "Hi" she monotoned with a dead looking expression on her face obvious that it was forced. He could tell that she didn't want to sit beside him as much as he also hated her presence. 

Donghyuck narrowed his eyes judging her. Last time he checked she looked like she was on a mission to hunt him down. Displeased by her company he placed on a scornful expression facing away from her. One of her eyes twitched in annoyance as he ignored her whole existence.

Slowly she placed her hand down burning arrows at his side profile filled with a hated stare.

How can someone with such angelic looks be so fucking annoying?

The boy knew that she was staring at him but he was not bothered by it. Until one of his earphones was pulled out his ear. "It's kind to reply to someone when they greet you." she stated blandly.

Not in the mood to hear her lectures he shot a lazy glare at the girl who then placed his earphone in her ear. "You like Michael Jackson?" her eyes darted to his phone, reading his playlist mentally. Donghyuck ran his tongue over his teeth before snatching his properties off her.

"It's nice to not touch other people's belongings!" he snapped back sitting up straight. Suyin faced him in shock by his remark yet she slowly nodded her head knowing that he had a point. 

 "What do you want?" it was clear that  he was displeased by her. Yet the girl had no care in the world.

"We're partners" she pushed their topic sheet towards him. Donghyuck momentarily glimpsed at it and chucked it back towards her. "I don't care" he coldly spoke.

Suyin made a thin line with her lips and glanced at her feet.

How am I supposed to make him work with me?

Then a thought plagued her mind. She contemplated whether to listen to it or not. It was like the devil and angel on wither side of her shoulder began to fight unable to make a final decision on what to do. In the end she took on what Renjun said after all her cousin was right and she did feel guilty.

"If you believe you have done something wrong you own up to it. Owning up to your mistakes makes you grow into a better person."

"I'm sorry" she blurted out however it was sincere. Donghyuck's eyes widened and he snapped his neck towards her so fast that it could've broken.

Glancing between her eyes he tried to decipher if she was faking it but it surprised him to see that she was being genuine. "Even though I was mad by what you had said I shouldn't have done that to you. It was immature of me and I regret it."

Donghyuck bored his eyes on her not saying a word. Suyin waited patiently but grew irritated by the fact that he wasn't talking.  "Are you going to say something?"

The boy stayed mute and turned around facing front. Frowning she clenched her jaw however a small smile creeped onto her lips hearing his next words. "Do you have any ideas?" she felt glee, glad to hear that he seemed to accept her apology. "Nope not yet" The boy hummed and placed in his earphones in again making the girl scowl. Clicking her tongue she yanked it out just like before.

"What do you want now?" he pressed down growing annoyance. "We need to work on this," she pointed at the sheet. "Well, come up with something like a plan " he groaned rolling his eyes.

Before he could place it back in she grabbed his hand. "What now?" he clicked his tongue yanking away from her hold.

Suyin didn't respond. She was staring at him deeply, not looking away. It's a peculiar feeling. Donghyuck bored his eyes on her waiting for her response. Momentarily she contemplated on whether to ask or not.

Come one Suyin. Just say it. It's for the project.

Inhaling deeply she leaned forwards making him instinctively back away. "Be friends with me!" She took him by surprise.

The boy frowned at her absurd request. "Me friends with you?" Suyin nodded, giving him a serious look. "Angel I tried to kill you" he reminded her.

Suyin made a thin line with her lips but still proceeded "If we want to get a good grade we need to work well together. Let's put everything that happened behind us and try to get along well" she reached out her hand hoping for him to return a handshake.

"I don't want friends. I don't need any friends. " 

"Yes you do. Everyone needs friends"

"Well I'm not everyone, am I?" his words were sent out cold and ruthless. Suyin stayed put, not replying.

Donghyuck forced out a heavy sigh. "You're not going to leave me alone are you?" he spoke depressed pinching the bridge of his nose. Mentally he was questioning what he had done wrong to deserve this. 

 "Nope" irritated he poked the side on his inner cheek with his tongue.

"And I don't want to be friends with you" he exaggerated the last word to make sure she understood. "You don't have to be so rude." 

"I doubt you want to be friends with me Angel . . . I'm bad news"

  I'm bad news"

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